Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Good morning to you and to all members of the committee.
My name is Andrew Treusch, and I'm representing the Department of Human Resources and Social Development. I'm accompanied by colleagues: Ms. Donna Kirby, Mr. Peter Larose, Mr. John Atherton, Ms. Barbara Glover, and Monsieur Sylvain Segard. It's a very great pleasure to be here.
I will situate us. This is the second of our presentations to you as a committee. In the first, on June 1, our delegation was led by Ms. Karen Jackson and a number of officials. She gave you an overview on human capital development, as well as information on skilled worker shortages, labour mobility, and recognition of foreign credentials.
Today we will continue our presentations. You should have with you four sets of information related to seasonal workers, older workers, adjustment, and workplace literacy.
Once again, we have provided documentation on these issues in both official languages, with a focus on facts and research which may be of interest.
In addition, I would like to assure you that we are in the process of providing written responses to the questions asked of us at the previous session. Three information requests were made of us: first, about differences in access to post-secondary education for persons residing in rural and urban areas; second, about the cost to doctors of credential assessment; and third, about the relationship between EI and mobility.
On this last, I have familiarized myself with three or four studies and would be happy to answer a question in that regard today, pending the formal written response to the committee. This information will be provided to the clerk within the next few days, along with any other responses to the questions you may put to us today.
Previously we spoke to you about the drivers for change and their impact on the labour market. I want to expand on those, with a brief depiction of how we see the Canadian economy and the labour market adjusting to external pressures, as well as to changes here at home. This process is quite relevant to the challenges, as we see them, that relate to the employment issues you've raised with us: seasonal and older workers, as well as the issues of literacy in the workplace.
Now, it is worth restating that Canada's economy and labour market are performing very well. Not only are our macroeconomic indicators strong, but Canada's participation rate of 67.2%, in April of this year, is exceptional by historic and international standards, as is our unemployment rate of 6.4%.
However good our performance is, there are always difficulties and changes we must face if we intend to maintain or even improve this performance. The main factors at play are an aging population, the commodities boom, the rising dollar, globalization and an increasingly competitive environment as well as an ongoing transition towards a knowledge-based economy.
Responding to these drivers will be important to achieve both social and economic objectives and will require that we focus increased attention on increasing labour market participation through better recognition of immigrant credentials and by removing barriers to work; improving skills and promoting lifelong learning, including increased opportunity for adult re-skilling; increasing labour market efficiency and flexibility by reducing barriers to mobility and improving the flow of labour market information; reducing economic security, so individuals are better able to manage these transitions; and finally, supporting adjustment processes for individual sectors and communities to adapt to these changing economic realities.
In terms of the decks, I do not propose to present them to the committee today, due to their length, but I will highlight a few features of each.
With respect to labour market adjustment, first,
The Canadian economy is constantly changing. These changes are inevitable and crucial to both growth and prosperity. In order to adapt, we simply intend to shift the focus of our resources from less productive activities to more productive sectors.
Over the years, our economy has undergone a huge structural change, having shifted its focus, to a certain extent, from the manufactured goods industry to the service industry. These changes have led to the sudden arrival, and departure, of a large number of employees, and have created both opportunities and obstacles as the markets attempt to balance supply and demand.
Canada does well on adjustment. International organizations such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development attest to it, as does the International Monetary Fund, which rates our capacity for adjustment as high.
That means, for the most part, individuals make successful transitions as firms expand or decline and this economy changes. Well-functioning markets and a national pool of skilled, mobile workers contribute to reducing the imbalances in supply and demand experienced in some sectors and regions.
Nevertheless, more must be done. Skill shortages in growing regions and sectors reflect strong national and regional economies, combined with slower labour force growth and rising skill requirements. These upside adjustment challenges have the potential, if not addressed, to limit Canada's growth, if firms cannot find the workers and the other resources to expand and meet labour market demand.
So this structural evolution has a differential impact on the adaptation of individuals, communities, firms and sectors. Older workers, for example, while doing well overall, do take longer in general to find employment than younger Canadians, to return to work once they experience unemployment.
The issue of seasonal workers also illustrates some of the dynamics of adjustment and both the challenges and opportunities. With respect to seasonal workers, the seasonality of the Canadian economy has gradually diminished over the years, reflecting a decline in seasonal primary industries; technological advances; and the falling share of youth in the labour force, who traditionally rely on seasonal employment as a primary source of income.
Some regions are more seasonal than others, particularly Atlantic Canada, but seasonal employment is present in all regions across Canada. In fact, over half of seasonal workers are located in Ontario and Quebec. They represent a higher proportion of the workforce in Atlantic Canada due to the concentration of seasonal industries there.
For some individuals, seasonal work is welcome. It supports their preference for other activities, such as providing temporary opportunities for individuals to gain valuable work experience--such as students--or in certain regions, allowing residents to remain in their communities. However, for others, recurring seasonal employment may create challenges. For example, workers in undiversified remote communities are less likely to find alternate employment opportunities in the off-season, due to the nature of their employment.
With respect to older workers, Canada's population structure is changing; population aging is accelerating. The share of the population age 65 and over is forecast to expand rapidly in the coming decades, and this expected increase will be most pronounced in the Atlantic provinces and Quebec. Aging brings forth a number of challenges in a Canadian context. Its most significant effect for us is on future labour supply growth. Slower labour force growth can lead to a slowdown in economic growth rates and in the growth of our living standards. As a result, among other populations, it's notable that older workers--and here I'm speaking of workers between the ages of 55 and 64--will be an increasingly important source of experienced labour.
As the population in the Atlantic and Quebec regions is aging more rapidly and is saddled with, on average, a lower labour force participation rate, aging will be even more detrimental to labour supply.
As the population ages, older workers are becoming an increasingly important part of the workforce but continue to face barriers to remain in, and return to, employment--issues such as the currency of their skills, literacy, and other essential skills.
I will mention that I have brought with me today the 2005 report on Canada's aging and employment policies, a report of the OECD, which I would be very pleased to leave with the clerk of the committee. It provides both a review of Canada's performance in an international context and some recommendations that may be of interest to committee members.
In closing, I would now like to conclude with a brief reference to workplace literacy. It is clear that the Canadian workforce needs to be highly skilled and adaptable to compete in this global economy, and a foundation for skills development surely is literacy and numeracy and a propensity to lifelong learning.
In a knowledge economy, the labour market not only requires superior skills, but also constant upgrading and regearing of acquired skills. Better literacy promotes learning, makes transitions smoother and helps workers adapt more easily to changing professional demands.
There is a convergence of change both in our economy and society, this shift towards a knowledge-based economy combined with a low incidence in Canada of workplace training, which is resulting in some significant changes. And you will find much more data on the incidence of our literacy issue by sector, by region, by age, and by other factors in the deck that we've made available you.
I thank you for your indulgence, Mr. Chair, in hearing me thus far.
We would be glad to answer your questions.