It depends on the instrument creating the appropriation, the authority to pay the provinces. If you have proposed legislation like Bill C-303, the purpose of which would be to attach conditions to transfers to provinces, the purpose of the bill is to set out those conditions. The bill could very well set out as well what provinces are to do to account for the use of those funds.
If you take the example of SCPI--I forget what the new name is--that's a contribution program. It's not established by legislation per se. Of course there is a broad appropriation in the annual appropriation acts, but for the rest, the program is established via policies of the Treasury Board. There are terms and conditions governing the program, and it is by virtue of those terms and conditions that agreements of a legal nature are entered into with each and every organization.
The agreements are quite stringent in terms of the accounting they require from organizations. Legislation could be as stringent. Parliament has to choose.