I haven't timed it, but I'm thinking this should take maybe ten minutes.
Mr. Chairman, it is nice to rejoin the committee in a different capacity this time, after an absence since Christmas.
Mr. Chairman, this country's future prosperity and well-being increasingly depend on having a highly skilled, highly trained, and highly innovative workforce. Education, especially post-secondary education, which includes community colleges, is essential to develop the best-trained, highly skilled, and most innovative Canadians. And of course that's something we heard a lot about in this committee last year, during the study of employability and our study of the skills shortage: the importance of developing and continuing to develop a very highly educated and skilled workforce.
Ironically, a new report was put out today by the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation. The main conclusion was that federal and provincial tax credits are bad policy that do little to encourage enrolment. When you combine that fact with statistics that recently found that as many as 36% of high school graduates cite financial reasons as a barrier to higher education, you know that something has to change.
I believe that Bill C-284 can be part of that change. I'm not suggesting for one minute that it is the be-all and end-all and that it's the full package. I think it's one element of what needs to be done, but it can allow more high school graduates to go on to university or community college. It can be meshed with other programs to remove barriers to Canadians from low-income families, disadvantaged groups, the disabled, and new Canadians. It can help us develop a highly skilled, innovative, and knowledgeable workforce.
As members of Parliament, we need to take measures to reduce financial barriers standing in the way of students seeking greater access to post-secondary education, including grant programs, and to offset the high and growing costs of tuition. This bill doesn't require us to invent or reinvent the wheel. It's built on an established program that has been successful. It's a very clear and simple solution that is both easy to administer and avoids jurisdictional negotiations with the various provinces.
Let me give you some of the highlights as I see them.
Bill C-284 expands the Canada access grants, a program that provides financial assistance to students. Currently, access grants are only available for the first and last years of study for those who are from low-income families. This bill would extend the availability of these grants to all years of study for those from low-income families.
The goal of Bill C-284 is to break down barriers to higher education. It also creates a statutory basis for the Canada access grants, making it much more difficult to cancel or change the program in the future. I know there are some concerns about that, and I think there may be an opportunity to provide for regulations to increase the amount and add indexation, for example, and I'm sure we'll hear about that from colleagues.
I'm afraid we have taken a step backwards In the past two budgets in terms of making education the priority that it needs to be for a strong and economically healthy Canada. Today's study on Canada's tuition and education tax credits is clear proof that providing an $80 tax break on books is not the answer, Mr. Chairman. A cheque that comes next April doesn't help a low-income student get into university and pay the tuition this fall, right? That's the problem. And the move this spring to kill thousands of jobs created out of the summer career placement program was nothing short of a disaster, as I think many colleagues on all sides know. But if we want to invest in our future and our children's future, we need to invest in education at both the university and college levels. Bill C-284 is one way that can be done, and it doesn't require a big, expensive, new administration or long-drawn-out jurisdictional battles with the provinces. It's a very straightforward solution that builds on an existing program and can help remove barriers to higher education.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.