Good morning. My presentation is in French, obviously. I only have a few minutes to tell you about an important problem and about a lot of things that we have done in our region.
First of all, I would like to quote a few individuals who I think would like to speak to you. They are, first, Susan George, an anglophone writer whose following comments are quoted in a magazine:
The crisis we are going through is of course economic. But it is first of all social, with rising poverty and inequalities [that it will cause and has caused]... Unfortunately, our leaders have gone back to the old methods that will solve nothing fundamentally. If the idea is to stimulate consumption by offering money to those who need it in order to live decently, all right. But distributing it indiscriminately through lower taxes, for example, is not a solution.
The second quotation is from French journalist Hervé Kempf, from the newspaper Le Monde. He writes:
The economic crisis also means the end of a material growth-based model that was considered unlimited. We have to rebuild a society where the common good goes before profit. The economy must no longer be an end in itself, but a tool at the service of people. We must change values, replace the market, growth, competition and individualism with solidarity, cooperation and the general interest.
I could cite others. I've simply taken these remarks from a magazine that I had at home. I think a good part of the message is there. I also have a cartoon by Mr. Côté, cartoonist with Le Soleil, in Quebec City. You can't see the pictures, but you'll understand very clearly from the text. There are two homeless individuals. One points out to the other how generous people are during the Christmas holidays, and the other tells him to watch out and not eat too much so he doesn't get a stomach ache. The first one answers that won't be a problem since he'll have one year to digest. How do you understand the message? With the picture, the text is more striking.
I want to talk to you about a problem that I think is real. I say "real" because many people try to downplay it or conceal it. Poverty isn't the subject; it's people. Moreover it's those people who should be here today to talk to you about it. I'm going to come back to that.
I'm going to be a bit provocative, but in a very respectful way. At the United Way Québec, we've chosen to make a lot of room for community groups and poor people. In a survey that we conducted, we asked people what the biggest problem was that should be solved in the community. People quickly answered that it was health, education, world peace, taxation and so on. However, when we asked them to choose from a number of problems the one that was in greatest need of being solved in the community, poverty was the number one answer. Twice as many respondents gave that answer as gave health and education. That shows that people are extremely sensitive, but that you have to talk to them about the problem. You have to talk about it in the community and make it a social issue. That's what we are having a lot of trouble doing in our society.
Poverty is often the subject of prejudice. Among other things, it's said that poor people are responsible for their fate. I invite all parliamentarians to put themselves in their position and see whether they would agree to stay there for long. It's said that the gap between rich and poor is growing regularly, and that's a fact, but it's also said that we simply have to create wealth for everything to be resolved. However, the problem isn't to create wealth, but to distribute it. As evidence of that, nothing was resolved in recent years, even though the degree of prosperity was quite high. In short, poor people are ready victims of prejudice.
At the forum of the Canadian Council on Social Development, which was held last week and which certain parliamentarians attended, including Mr. Martin, we talked about the following three points. Poor people are able to speak for themselves. They want to be heard. On that subject, I repeat that I'm not the one who should be here today.
It is the mobilization, solidarity and development of communities that will help these people. It's everyone's business. I'll be coming back to this in a moment.
Lastly, there is access to services, which is complicated in a number of communities. The fewer networks there are, the harder it is to get services. I'm going to talk about that again as well.
These three elements are fundamental, if we want to help people who are in a situation of poverty. In my opinion and that of the people who were in Calgary last week at the forum of the Canadian Council on Social Development, the federal government is absent from these three areas. However, it could play a role in them by, for example, providing access to services. In cooperation with hundreds and thousands of organizations, the United Way Movement is putting in place a 211 reference-information line in many communities. This is a magic way to provide access to services. The poorer you are, the more patient you are, and the less need you have of networks to help you. We must put an effective system in place. Apart from the 911 emergency service, why wouldn't there be a 211 service for community social groups, charities and so on? In Quebec City, Toronto, Winnipeg and Calgary, we're working toward that end, but there is no support from the federal government to put this service in place across Canada. We're doing it with our own resources, thanks to public charity donations. The federal government has a role to play. I'm talking to the government, not to the political parties as such.
Several hundreds of community groups across the country are doing an outstanding job. They are supported by their municipal and provincial governments, but very little by the federal government. We've sensed a lot of reluctance on the government's part to continue funding in the areas of homelessness, literacy and status of women in recent years. That's not a good strategy.
The economic stimulus plan developed by the federal government is based mainly on infrastructure. That's very good, but part of that money could have been invested in community and social groups that combat poverty. The return would have been incredible. We do want you to fund infrastructure, but you can do a lot more with little money.
Combating poverty isn't just helping people; it's also investing in the economy. Business people need a stable environment in order to generate good returns, and poor people or people who are left to their own devices must be helped and supported if we want to establish that kind of environment.
I'll quickly give you an example. In Quebec City, two years ago, the main bridge over the St. Lawrence, the Pierre-Laporte Bridge, was blocked by someone threatening to commit suicide at 6:00 a.m. So the entire economy on both sides of the river was blocked because workers couldn't pass. I was going to a business, the Ultramar refinery. We all arrived late. I had a meeting with members of the management team. They told me to give them the information quickly and that everything was going badly. I told them that my Centraide-United Way message was going to be simple: giving to the United Way means investing in their business. They asked me why. I asked them if they had been operational that morning. They hadn't because someone on the bridge had threatened to commit suicide. If community groups did not exist, there would be one person doing the same thing every week, and their business would stop operating.
The federal government can send out this message: investing in community groups and in the fight against poverty also means investing in the economy. It's a lot more costly to tolerate poverty than to address it. You should acknowledge the problem and try to take action.
My colleague talked about Quebec's poverty legislation. This is a very bold political action that isn't perfect, but that is interesting. Five other provinces are preparing to do the same thing. Twenty-five years after the federal government issued the declaration to limit child poverty, nothing has yet been solved. Regardless of the political party or the economic situation, you should recommend that the government legislate to compel the federal government, regardless of party, to take on-going action.
This goes beyond political partisanship. The fight against poverty requires us to do these kinds of things. Symbols must be spread around our community so that people understand that it's unacceptable. You have a role to play in this regard.
Quebec, like many other provinces, can definitely serve as an example in this area. These are the main messages I wanted to send you this morning. You aren't very much involved in the fight against poverty on a day-to-day basis, with all the community groups. You can play a role. I'm convinced that the provincial governments would be interested in working in cooperation with you. I'm not engaging in politics, and it's not my role to resolve this issue. I simply know that the community groups and poor people have been left to their own devices, and our community is paying the price for that. We need legislation and legislative constraints to compel the government and the governments that succeed it to address this issue.
In closing, I would like to submit three documents prepared in Quebec with people from the community. The title of the first is Une société en déficit humain. Rapport sur les conséquences sociales de l'appauvrissement [Report on the social consequences of impoverishment]. I invite you to read it. The second is Une société qui se tire dans le pied - lettre ouverte aux personnes qui ne se sentent pas concernées par la pauvreté… et à toutes les autres [A society shooting itself in the foot—open letter to those who do not feel concerned by poverty... and everyone else]. I don't know how the interpreters will translate that. Lastly, the third document, which moreover concerns the social costs of poverty, is entitled On n'est pas seuls au monde : propos sur la responsabilité sociale et la pauvreté [We aren't alone in the world: remarks on social responsibility and poverty]. This is a call to social solidarity and commitment.
Thousands of copies of these documents have been distributed throughout our community. The effect has been to rally the public together to find solutions. So I am submitting them here. I invite you to examine them and consider them in your proceedings.
I want to thank you, despite my enthusiasm and passion in this area. I thank you for considering the issue of poverty, and I want to repeat to you that it's the right target. Thank you all very much.