Mr. Chairman, before voting on this, I would like to tell you that we have two concerns.
First, this represents enough work for quite a long time. If we only hear the opinions of officials... The opinions of officials can also be verified by other evidence. In the ridings, there is a lot of evidence from people who describe situations that are not consistent with what we're being told in the House of Commons. So I very much doubt that what we might hear here would be different from what the minister tells us. It seems there's something important. We agree on substance, but we should not delude ourselves about time.
Second, my concern is that this might be a dilatory measure. I understand that this isn't what our Liberal friends want, but it could have the effect of a dilatory measure. We have work to do on two priority matters: one assigned us by the House and the other by the committee.
The first, which comes from the House, is the study of Bill C-241 concerning the waiting period, which was passed two weeks ago now. It seems to me that we have to study that first. Since the bill contains only one of the employment insurance measures, it could be the subject of one meeting.
The other matter, the one the committee assigned us, is the study on the administration of the accessibility fund, on which our Liberal friends agreed. If Mr. Savage and his colleagues are in agreement, as well as the Conservatives since they support this motion, we will vote in favour of it, but only if we study the two other matters that I think are priorities.