Thank you for your question.
In fact, Mr. Savage, you know that there are two important peaks in the EI period, year after year. One has to do with the winter, which is usually in December, and the other one deals with the summer peak, which starts in June. In early October, we started seeing an important increase in the number of EI applications. Overall, for the year, we are talking about a 19.3% increase, but when we looked at when the increase really kicked in, it was in the last six months of the year. So it started in early October.
Between October and the end of March, we saw an increase of 30%, which was significant. So already, in October, we engaged in more activities to deal with the peak in the season. We took people from other lines of business that are not linked to direct public services. We seconded them to EI processing activities. That was the national workload strategy across the country.