Again, to speak to the outset of the meeting in terms of the roles and responsibilities here, I want to be clear again that it was the policy people who did the primary work in deriving these. It was our actuarial team who confirmed the reasonableness of the numbers, double-checking them, making sure all the calculations were correct, etc. I think in that case it might be more appropriate for me to calculate, and I would ask Mr. Taillon or Mr. Beauséjour to comment if they feel I mischaracterize it in any way.
In terms of the number of participants, I think it's set out fairly clearly in this piece of paper. In terms of how we actually did it, we did it in two ways.
First, we looked at the number of mat-pat participants and we derived that number in two ways. First we looked at the QPIP model and said, look, there are 7,300 people making a claim there, so let's nationalize that. That basically means multiplying that number by four, and it gets you to around 29,200. Then you have to recognize that that's your upper bounds. If everybody were to sign in, that's how many people would want to make a claim per year. Then we had to reduce that, recognizing that this is a voluntary system and that there is a threshold of $6,000. So essentially we multiplied the number by two-thirds. You end up with an estimate of 20,000 claims per year, and from that you can derive how many people need to sign up to get 20,000 claims a year.
That was one part of the calculation. That was the easy part, and the part in which we have the most confidence in terms of being firm.
The second part was much more challenging. How many people will sign up for the primary purposes of claiming sickness and compassionate care benefits? This is a bit challenging, because we don't have any information on that in terms of a voluntary system. What we did was take the self-employed who made over $6,000 and we divided it by occupation, the type of self-employed income, and we did an assessment of what the probability was for each group. This was done in Louis Beauséjour's area. He's got a team of about 30 people who are quite experienced in this. They looked at this and did their best calculations, added it all up with spreadsheets, etc., and that gave us an assessment of how many people we think would join, which would be about 500,000 over five years.
That was the total number of people joining. As for the claim rate. I think we were fairly confident about the number of claims based on the QPIP model with respect to mat-pat, which is the primary cost driver here. Then we had to make an assumption about what the claim rate was for those joining primarily for sickness and compassionate care.
Our assessment was looking at the fact that this is a voluntary system, where you're going to have self-selection, where you don't have an employer to turn to for the insurance program. About one in 10 people would make a claim, so a typical person would make a claim every 10 years; or in a typical year, one out of 10 people would make that claim. After that, it's basically just spreadsheets to derive the premiums, to derive the costs, and to derive the net impact on the account.
So that is what was done, and it was done in Louis Beauséjour's area. It was then passed on to the actuarial group. Sure, there was some interaction in between, of course, in deriving this. The actuarial group looked at it, thought it was very sound, and looked at that. There was, of course, a little bit of back and forth in that, but overall it didn't change the numbers very much. Then it went through a rigorous process, with all these measures. Whether it's a budget item or EI, it goes through the cabinet process, which means that central agencies are looking at these numbers, and they're vetting them and they're scrubbing them, as we say in this line of work, and they're making sure the numbers are right.