Thank you very much.
I can't tell you how gratifying it is to be here today and to be invited. It's my absolute pleasure to address all of you. In the, goodness, almost seven years now that I've been working at Wilson Heights as a community advocate and community outreach minister, this is the first time anyone from any level of government has come to me and asked me what it looks like on the ground.
I know you've heard a lot of presentations today, and you've probably been snowed under by statistics. I thought I would instead tell you what it looks like in my office and tell you about the people who come to my office, many of whom are people with disabilities, which I understand is also the mandate of your committee.
Wilson Heights is a small church. We have about a hundred members. We're located on East 41st Avenue in Vancouver, which is in southeast Vancouver. We're about halfway between Victoria Drive and Knight Street.
The community around Wilson Heights is a working-class community, mostly single-family dwellings. A lot of the people who live in that area are either seniors, who are house-rich and cash-poor, or new immigrants, largely from Asia. We also have a growing Latino community.
Our church has basically decided that the role it wants to play in the community is to alleviate poverty, hunger, and loneliness among its neighbours, so I would say that food security and economic security are two very important aspects of our church's outreach programs.
That's basically how we got to our advocacy program. We initially started with a community meal. That was a sit-down meal, where we invited all our neighbours to come in. We got to meet our neighbours. We got to hear about the struggles they were having—this is going back to 1999--and out of those conversations we discovered that what was in their way was a lot more than access to a good hot meal, or being able to manage the food budget a little better by not having to prepare a meal that night. They were running into terrible barriers at the bureaucratic levels, particularly with income assistance and trying to qualify for benefits.
The group I see the most in my office is made up of people with disabilities trying to qualify for provincial disability benefits. Many people in British Columbia who are in need of disability benefits don't qualify for the CPP benefits, often by reason of the actual disability they have. If they have had a mental illness or a head injury, they have a very sketchy work history, if any at all, over the course of their lives. Therefore, they haven't accumulated the income and benefit contributions to qualify for CPP and are reliant on welfare.
Although I understand that welfare is not the purview of the federal government, it is one of the reasons that draws people into poverty, particularly people with disabilities. The maximum rate for a single person on disability welfare in this province is $906, and with $375 of it, they're expected to find housing. That's the maximum shelter allowance for an individual on income assistance.
Many people are coming to my church because they want to qualify for disability and raise their income from $610 a month, the benefit rate for a single person who is considered to be employable.
We also do a lot of food security work, as I mentioned earlier. I want to tell you that this year we've decided as a church to eliminate our Christmas hamper program in favour of using those funds to provide ongoing help to families throughout the year. We think we can better meet the needs of families struggling in poverty if we can provide them aid throughout the year, rather than playing Santa Claus every December.
Before the economic downturn in late 2008, we were responding to 12 requests for food assistance per month, actual bags of groceries that we were giving out. And in a busy month, which is what we call a “five-week-welfare” month--that's a month where your welfare cheque has to last you five weeks instead of four and you don't get any additional benefits to cover that extra week--we would get 20 requests for food. After the economic downturn, a normal month now for us is 20 food requests, and a busy month is over 30. That happened overnight. By January, it was absolutely normal in our church.
We have signed on as a church, as has the presbytery that funds our advocacy program, to the B.C. poverty reduction strategy.
I would also endorse the recommendations from First Call, which I'm sure were presented to you earlier in the day. I believe it's fact sheet nine in their presentation; there are a number of measures to reduce poverty among families. I know that First Call has done a lot of work and probably has presented you with a lot of information in that regard.
Our advocacy program services over 300 people a year. We are two advocates working a total of 32 hours between us. We work out of three different locations, our primary one being Wilson Heights. But I also do four hours a week in Kitsilano, which is a middle-class neighbourhood on the beach here in Vancouver. It's a very nice neighbourhood to live in unless you're homeless. At a lunch program there, I provide advocacy services, largely to men who are homeless. Also, once a month, I'm in Shaughnessy providing advocacy services, largely to people with disabilities and to seniors, at a lunch program there.
The purpose of our advocacy program is to try to expand our services so that we can start going to other centres such as Grace Memorial United Church, which runs a breakfast program every Tuesday morning but cannot afford to hire an advocate.
The reasons why people need advocates have a lot to do with how difficult it is to qualify for benefits. Even just in applying for regular welfare, there is an initial application waiting period of three weeks when you first present yourself to the welfare office in need. It's not unlike the two-week waiting period that is required under employment insurance. During that time, applicants are expected to be looking for work, which of course is what they were doing before they got to the welfare office.
There's also a two-year independence test, which disproportionately affects young people who have not had the opportunity to establish themselves independently, as well as anyone who has a checkered work history. You have to be able to prove to the ministry that prior to applying for income assistance you've actually held a job for two years in your life.
There are exceptions to these rules--I want to emphasize that--but they're not always clearly spelled out to the applicant, so that is often the role the advocates take. The person gets their application rejected and then comes to me, assuming they know I exist, and I explain to them that they qualify for benefits because of this exception or that exception. We then prepare the paperwork for an appeal because it has become a formal appeal. Hopefully we are successful and the client gets benefits.
The most common problem affecting people's disabilities, as I mentioned earlier, is qualifying for the disability welfare if they're not eligible for CPP disability. The application is 23 pages long. It has to be filled out by three different people, one of them being the applicant, as well as their physician and an assessor. I assist the applicants and their physicians with the correct completion of the documents. As well, I help the client find a qualified assessor.
It's standard operating procedure for the Ministry of Housing and Social Development here in British Columbia to deny applications upon them being initially received. We see cases all the time of applications that are absolutely correctly filled out, that are in accordance with and meet all the guidelines set out in the law, with letters from physicians describing in detail how a person is unable to function because of their illness or their physical disability, and they come back with a blanket “no”. That requires an automatic appeal process.
So again, if you don't have an advocate to help you fill out the application correctly in the first place.... Even if you do, it's turned down as a matter of course. If you don't have an advocate to help you with the appeal, then chances are that you're just not going to get the disability benefits at all. The automatic turndowns are a huge waste of money both for the government and in regard to the time and effort of the advocates who are doing unnecessary appeals on disability benefits.
I supplied a list of relevant websites as part of an appendix to the committee. One of the websites I would urge you to look at is that of the British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre. They spearheaded an ombudsman complaint back in 2005, I believe, that is still an open complaint. There were a number of recommendations that the ministry had to follow in order to bring its application and other processes into line with basic guidelines for procedural fairness.
The complaint is still open. There's a possibility that additional complaints from advocates will be coming forward, because we're still seeing difficulties such as this one of the disability benefits being automatically turned down. I wish I had actual applications to show you, because it is really shocking.
We have the lowest minimum wage in the province. It's $8 an hour, not to mention the $6 an hour that is the training wage for new workers. Our welfare rates are well below the poverty line, regardless of which measure you use. For example, for a couple with two children, their welfare rate is less than 60% of the poverty line. And a single parent with one child is receiving approximately 65% of the poverty line on welfare rates. This is poverty that's actually legislated by policy and by law.
Welfare recipients used to be the majority of the occupants of single-room occupancy hotels and rooming houses. They are now being displaced in Vancouver by foreign language students coming in to learn English, and by labourers who are better able to afford the rental rates in these hotels, which are in the range of $400 to $500 a month.
People living in single-room occupancy hotels have little or no access to kitchens or fridges. They must share a washroom with their neighbours, and their buildings are often very poorly managed and maintained. They are often infested with cockroaches, rats, mice, and bedbugs.
Families are faring no better. I'm seeing more and more families who are living in one-bedroom apartments. The children are sleeping in the bedroom and the parents are sleeping in the living room. It's such a precarious housing position because under our residential tenancy law, you can be evicted for being over-housed in such a manner, for having too many occupants in an apartment. But for the people who are earning $8 an hour--even if you have two wage earners at $8 an hour--a one-bedroom apartment in this city is $1,000 a month. Where are you going to find an apartment big enough for you and all your children?
I'd just like to add, on a personal note, that I live in the very last social housing cooperative that was built in this province before all the federal housing money ran out. It's the Lore Krill Housing Co-op. It's situated in Vancouver's downtown east side. We have two buildings, and one of them won a Governor General's award for its architecture. We're providing housing to our members, 80% of whom are subsidized. It's the only way I can afford an apartment in this city without paying 50% or more of my income towards rent. Last week I had a woman in my office who is paying 82% of her $1,000-a-month income for rent for herself and her two children.