Thanks. It's really a pleasure to be here.
As you mentioned, I teach constitutional law and social justice topics, but I've also worked with a number of NGOs on things like poverty reduction strategies and documents to the United Nations about respect for Canada's international human rights commitments. I've also done some work on the guaranteed annual income. I'm not going to talk in detail about all of this, but I'm happy to switch topics during your questions.
I have three points I want to make, which I understand to be a part of a larger conceptual or organizational frame for thinking about the important work that the committee is doing. I want to begin by saying the obvious, which is that there is nothing about poverty in a rich country like ours that's inevitable. It comes from the kinds of choices and policies that get made by the different levels of government. So it's clearly addressable through government policies and choices, and through changing the ones that are currently in play. I would emphasize that much lies within federal jurisdiction that can address this issue.
My first point has to do with how we understand poverty. I would urge you to think of poverty in a wider sense and to understand it as more than a simple lack of financial resources. Of course the absence of resources is an essential characteristic of poverty, and it distinguishes poverty from other circumstances of well-being. But poverty is also marked by a social element—a social exclusion by inadequate access to public goods, to community networks, to resources, and to political capital. It's important to have this fuller notion of poverty.
This fuller notion of poverty is well accepted, and I may well be preaching to the choir here. But there are United Nations documents that consider poverty in the light of limited opportunity for well-being. Poverty means being adequately fed, clothed, and sheltered, but it also has in it an element of deprivation in terms of taking part in the civil, political, and social life of a community. So it's about affordable housing and having meaningful opportunities, in both the economic and the social spheres. You see this definition of poverty at play in Quebec's anti-poverty legislation.
To unravel this ball of yarn that is the poverty problem in Canada, a really important part is seeing poverty as not just a matter of economic status. It is also a social relation, a social status. It's a relative condition, and in a country like Canada, this relative aspect has to be taken into account. This is why the definitions of poverty in circulation that are so purely absolute fail miserably to capture the condition of poverty. They're just so profoundly unuseful--indeed, I think they're insulting--as a single method of talking about the incidence of poverty in our country.
I make these comments because they segue into another observation that I'd like to share with you. This is the key connection between the twin problems of poverty and inequality in Canadian society. I want to spend a few minutes on the importance of inequality and its growing presence in our country. This is a key component of our discussion about how to deal with the problems of poverty.
I want to do this by highlighting some recent work by two British researchers. This work is a smart and thorough gathering of a series of studies, a collection of data from countries around the world. These two researchers, Wilkinson and Pickett, describe what's at stake and point out the prevalence of inequality in developed societies.
As a backdrop to this debate, we know that Canada is one of those nations in which the rate of income inequality between the rich and the poor is growing. Recent OECD reports show that the gap between rich and poor in Canada is growing faster than in most of the 30 other developed countries that were looked at.
Just over a year ago, a leading Canadian economist said that when government backs away from investing in public benefits that help the majority of Canadians, and replaces these benefits with tax cuts that benefit the top 10% of earners, we exacerbate income inequality in Canada. She goes on to say that this is an important piece of the trend towards large inequality in Canadian society.
These two British researchers, Wilkinson and Pickett, whom I just mentioned, show very clearly that the sorts of problems commonly associated with those who occupy the bottom rung of the social ladder—social problems like ill health, violence, poor educational performance in children, and so on—in societies with high inequality are also more common among those who occupy the top rung. Although these problems do have a strong class gradient, being clustered in the bottom socio-economic class, the more unequal a society is, the more those problems are common throughout the socio-economic strata.
They talk not merely about poor health and violence but also about issues such as low levels of trust, mental illness, life expectancy, obesity, educational performance, and so on. These are problems that become large-scale, widespread social problems when the material differences grow between individuals in society.
These two researchers argue that income inequality levels in society are very predictive about the overall social health of a society. One of the ways of improving the social health of a society for all members of that society is to reduce inequality. When you do that, not only is the quality of life improved for those at the bottom, but you improve the quality of life throughout society.
This is the quote with which they end an interesting piece of work:
We have seen that the rich countries have got to the end of the really important contributions which economic growth can make to the quality of life, and also that our future lies in improving the quality of the social environment in our societies.
They go on to say that greater equality is the material foundation on which better social relations for all members of society are built.
Clearly for countries that are still developing there's something quite important about increasing levels of wealth and production, but for countries like Canada, they argue it's obvious from comparative data that the emphasis should be put on reducing inequality. The quality of life for those at the top will also improve with a reduction in general inequality. An important piece when thinking about what kinds of concrete measures should be put in place to deal with poverty is also to factor in what I think is a very cogent concern about inequality as well.
The last set of comments I want to make will focus on the mechanics of developing a poverty reduction strategy. It's obvious from the stuff I've read and from my experiences that this is clearly something that government can and ought to address. I think a couple of key elements need to be put in structurally.
First, I think it's important for the federal government to resuscitate the notion that we can have national standards that have real impacts on the quality of life by use of the federal government's spending power. This is part of Canadian history. It's a key component of how the national government has realized its important obligation in ensuring key national economic citizenship. It's a constitutionally legitimate exercise of federal jurisdiction. It has been a very significant mistake for the federal government to step away from the use of its purse in this matter to ensure, through conditions attached to that spending power, that we do indeed have national standards that will ensure there's a meaningful level of Canadian citizenship granted to everybody across this country.
Second, I think it's important in talking about poverty--and, moreover, in addressing it through what has to be a multi-pronged series of proposals across a spectrum of policy issues--to be sensitive to the most vulnerable to poverty and to talk specifically about who those groups are in Canadian society who disproportionately suffer poverty. We need to speak about aboriginal peoples, about aboriginal women, lone mothers--about women. I work on women's economic inequality, and I'm constantly frustrated by the failure of leaders to say the word “women” when they talk about poverty. We need to speak about persons of disability, recent immigrants, senior citizens, and of course senior women. We don't just collapse our expressions of concern about poverty into this general category of “people” and, perhaps, “children”.
I have a particular concern about speaking about poverty as an issue only in relation to children. Of course it's a key concern. and of course poverty has devastating impacts on children's lives as they grow up to be adults. But children are poor because the adults with whom they reside are poor, and so often those adults are lone mothers who suffer disproportionate rates of poverty. In this province in particular, we're a real leader in the country, if you could call it that, in terms of the incidence of poverty in a number of groups, but particularly in relation to lone mothers. I think the last data I saw approaches 50%.
So that's my second point on sensitivity to the most vulnerable: to name those groups and develop programs to address those groups in a way that's responsive to the conditions and the reasons why those groups are disproportionately living in poverty.
The third point I want to make about the development of the strategy is the importance of accountability measures. Many well-intended plans go astray because there's no tracking of whether they're achieving their obligations.
I know that this debate is taking place specifically in terms of the housing strategy bill that's before Parliament at the moment, but it's certainly an element in any poverty strategy by the government, as has been urged on you by a number of United Nations treaty bodies. Over the years, these bodies have been reviewing--with some quite pointed dismay, I should say--Canada's failure to observe its international human rights obligations in the area of social and economic rights. These groups have emphasized the importance of accountability measures.
I'll end by saying that there are I think two sub-comments on this concern.
The first is that targets and timelines are important. There need to be indicators that are well thought out and that measure the range, the depth, the duration, and the incidence, for example, of poverty. There need to be indicators that are generated or adopted formally so you can track poverty as it occurs in different sectors and dimensions across time. Also, targets need to be set.
I would argue for a timeline that sets a trajectory so that you can track and hold yourselves accountable to progress across that timeline. It's so you don't just have a goal at the end of a certain number of years and no tracking in the time to that goal, so that you end up as we do now, in terms of Campaign 2000, saying at the end of the day, “Oh my God, we really went astray”. If you have a trajectory with interim target points that you hold yourself accountable to, you know much sooner when you're going astray. That's an important piece.
The second piece is that in order for those targets and timelines to be meaningful and for the public to have confidence in them, there have to be mechanisms that hold the government accountable for compliance with those kinds of explicit commitments that are represented by those targets and timelines.
There is a variety of accountability structures that one can employ. I'll talk about a few. One is an annual progress report that's tabled in Parliament, as discussed with the public, and that makes transparent what's happening year in, year out.
Another is a standing committee of Parliament that tracks progress, monitors the plan, helps guide its evolution, and holds public consultation--it's important--with public stakeholders and civil society. Also, it's important that reports or recommendations from the standing committee are tabled in Parliament so that they too are public and transparent.
A public advisory body is another idea. It should be one that's appointed and funded by government and that represents a broad cross-section of civil society groups that are experts in this issue, such as experts on specific targets and sectors of what are the elements of a poverty reduction strategy, and that includes, importantly, people living on low incomes.
Another idea that's used in some jurisdictions is government funding of an independent research council or research office, maybe something like the National Council of Welfare, which produces and, again, makes public--that's an important piece--annual progress reports, benchmark assessments, and study and research on social and economic equality. Also, it would monitor, from this outside expert perspective, the government's progress on meeting the plan's objectives.
There are also quasi-judicial mechanisms, such as putting social and economic conditions or some variant of that into human rights legislation at the federal jurisdiction, or enshrining a right to housing and a right to an adequate standard of living in federal human rights legislation or in some manner that's coherent and consistent within federal jurisdiction.
There is a range of key things that a poverty reduction strategy should include and that would hold the government to the commitments and ensure public confidence, accountability, and transparency in terms of those commitments.
I'll end my comments there. Thank you.