Thank you.
Good afternoon. I am a community advocate with the Hospitality Project from New Westminster. This is an intentional and inclusive community developed around the largest greater Vancouver food bank depot in B.C. On average, 500 people per week receive food here.
The Hospitality Project helps us promote community by bringing the lineup indoors. People are out of the elements and away from traffic and harassment. We bring them inside where they're comfortable and can have a cup of coffee, and other services also come together where people are already gathered to get food. We have dozens of community partners that have set up satellite sites to provide their services at this location. These services allow folks to access high school classes, children and parenting services, outreach nurses, and tax clinics--just to name a few of the partnerships that we have. We provide a triage receptionist and resource office, an advocate, coffee and tea, and a clothing and household goods exchange, as well as a lot of volunteer opportunities. All services have no barriers and are free.
As I have only seven minutes to speak to you regarding federal policy on housing and persons with disabilities, I thought it would be a better use of my time to try to discuss what I think is good rather than what I think is not working so well, because seven minutes just isn't going to cut that.
I'll start with an appreciation for my own salary. My position is funded for 25 hours a week through the Homelessness Partnership Initiative, and I have a contract until the end of 2011. My position was initially intended to serve the needs of five and half cities, which would be Burnaby, New Westminster, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, and North Surrey, where there is no advocacy available. However, within the first few months it was painfully clear that was just not a realistic goal and was an impossible task. Demand was, and continues to be, overwhelming, so I have now restricted my client intake to New Westminster residents. At the beginning of this year the tri-cities, which are Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, and Port Moody, got an advocate, but Burnaby and North Surrey still have no advocacy services.
Most advocacy programs are quite specific about who they serve and what types of issues they can offer help with. The few programs that I know of that are unique, like the program I work for, are run out of churches--in fact, United churches. You've already heard this afternoon from Rosemary Collins at Wilson Heights United Church. I also work there. And there's First United Church, which is here in the downtown east side. They also offer advocacy services to anybody, on all issues.
I deal with anyone who walks in the door, regardless of their class, age, race, gender, or status in Canada, and do the best I can with whatever issue they have. I help people, for instance, with things like personal debt, income assistance, EI, CPP, residential tenancy issues, and human rights complaints, just to name a few, but the bulk of my work revolves around welfare and residential tenancy issues. Most of my welfare clients are persons with disabilities. So although these things are provincially mandated, as Rosemary stated, I am going to talk a bit about that.
I think it's completely problematic that these are just provincial issues, frankly. Because we don't have any national housing policy, and we don't have any federal policy regarding persons with disabilities, we're left to the provincial system. This means that the people who I work with, who are disabled, have severe barriers to freedom of mobility within the country, as well as wildly different access to income and health care services, depending on who they are and what systems they can manage to access.
The definition of disability is different for people seeking provincial benefits than for people seeking access to the Canada Pension Plan disability benefits. Provincial benefits are available to individuals who may become healed or cured after two years. That's the criterion--that your disabling condition will last for two years.
In my four years of doing this work, almost five now, all of my clients have been permanently disabled. We don't have any yet who were in a position to expect to be healed at some point after two years. They end up meeting those same criteria anyway.
The rules of welfare dictate that all other sources of income be exhausted. Everybody who I have applying for provincial disability benefits has to apply for CPP disability benefits anyway. A single person designated in B.C., as I think you've heard already today, receives $906 a month and a little bit of health care benefits. Their medical service plan payments in B.C. are covered, they get a tiny dental and optical allowance, and a slightly extended drug plan. Therefore, if they contributed enough money through the course of their working life to receive $907 from CPP disability, which is all clawed back by the provincial benefits, then they have no access to health care. Their file will be closed and all they'll have is an income with no access to extended health care benefits.
I've worked with a lot of people who, as their health declined, would move to another province where family could help to care for them. However, they would then have to reapply for designation as a disabled person in that province. The lack of connection between the systems providing disability designations places a massive burden on people who must apply separately for provincial PWD benefits, CPPD benefits, and then prove it again if they hope to claim the disability tax credit, which you must be claiming in order to get the new registered disability savings plan.
All of these forms are all long, complex, and tax the efforts of even people who are not suffering and in pain, dealing with the effects of medication, or have diminished capacity due to severe mental health issues or brain injuries. The fact that doctors have to do much of the work does not relieve this burden at all. In fact, it adds to it, and some doctors refuse to take new patients once they find out that they are on or are seeking disability benefits because they hate filling out all these forms, in spite of the fact that they are paid quite handsomely to do it.
Rosemary mentioned earlier the problem with blanket denials of the provincial benefits. I just wanted to add to that. In four and a half years, only two of the dozens and dozens that I have worked on passed without having to go through the appeal process. At the appeal process I have a 100% success rate in getting the denial overturned. I would love to be able to brag to you and say that's because I'm such a fabulous advocate, but the truth is, these denials were simply unfounded—all of them.
The vast majority of my clients with disabilities are also living in substandard housing, or spending all of their income on marginal, or at best barely average, housing. I can't really ever separate these two issues of health and health services, and standards of housing and homelessness.
Right now I understand that in the name of research, 300 metro Vancouver residents with poor mental health will become housed in the near future. Recently I had the pleasure of hearing Catharine Hume, the coordinator of the Mental Health Commission of Canada's “At Home/Chez Soi” project. I have to say that upon hearing that another research project was being conducted by the federal government, my blood did boil a little bit, but knowing that at least 300 people are going to be housed, even if it's temporary for the research project, calmed me a little. So 100 people will have housing and 24/7 support, 100 people will get housing and 12-hour, seven-day-a-week support, and 100 will get housing with no support. We'll see what happens to them all. I will be truly shocked if this study unearths any wisdom that is not already known, and in fact has been known for probably 30 years now.
This is also true regarding a national housing strategy. Cancelling this policy has led to our current national housing crisis. Canada should be a global leader on housing strategies like low-income home ownership and co-op housing developments, and not in the position that we're in now, which is playing 30 years of catch-up and having to work towards solving homelessness and correcting the problems created in this crisis, such as rampant substandard and illegal housing.
I want to tell you a story. Recently city councillors from all over the metro area visited sister and friendship cities in China and Japan. While in China, one Vancouver councillor found that Vancouver's world-class reputation included the knowledge that our homelessness crisis exists. Even in China, people are aware of this.
He shamefully had to acknowledge that what the Chinese councillor had heard was true, and his shame deepened when the fellow asked how many homeless there were in Vancouver and our councillor replied 3,000. But the real embarrassment was yet to come. The Chinese councillor declared, “Three thousand? We have 250,000 and maybe a tenth of the resources you have. Why don't you just fix it?” The councillor had no response.
But the answers are there. We do things to support and maintain community—home ownership and maintenance for the middle class. All we have to do is address our discriminatory policies toward low-income classes and we'll get it done. Just as Irene was mentioning, programs that are available for repairs and maintaining housing aren't available to her organization.
I can wrap it up there.