Thank you, Chair.
First of all, let me congratulate you both on getting this bill to this stage, Mr. Lévesque for inspiring it based on what you've seen in your own community and Mr. André for the work that you've done in taking it this far.
I don't know that I have a question. I may have a little comment, and then I'll just leave it to you.
People who are on strike or who are locked out do need some protection under the EI system. And there's another classification of people. I'm not sure whether this is where Ed was going or not, but another group of people who have been hurt in this recent recession are people who have seen their hours reduced by a company that is struggling and has had to reduce the hours of their employees, in some cases for an extended period of time, and then lays them off because they've closed. Then those people haven't had the number of hours they need to qualify for EI benefits. And they're stuck, because if they're told that they have to go on reduced hours and they quit their job, they don't qualify for EI because they have left their job. If they stay with the company and then get laid off, that could impact their benefits as well.
I wonder whether you have any thoughts on that.
Do you have any thoughts on that piece of it, Mr. André?