Good morning. It's good to be chatting with you about this very important subject here today.
We're still at the table, on this side anyway, trying to figure out why it is that the government wants to do this. We've heard and seen in the documentation that we have over 350 groups across Canada saying this is the wrong way to go, this is not the right thing to do. We have maybe at most a dozen that have given the government their approval or support, some of it conditionally. We're trying to get a handle on why it is that we would do this. We certainly heard this morning on the impact to both of your groups.
At a previous meeting, and apparently at the committee on status of women, what we were finding is that not only is the government not going to do the mandatory long form, but they are no longer going to measure the contribution that women who are not paid for their work make to the overall benefit of society and the way we measure development and growth.
I'm not sure what that is saying about where they want to go with this. It certainly is disturbing, and I would guess working out of Family Service Toronto that would be something that would concern Ms. Rothman.
We also heard a little bit about, from the previous discussion we had, this maybe being just a clearing of the deck, so that private for-profit gatherers of information can move in, begin to collect this data, and then sell it. I can only imagine the impact that would have on organizations like Campaign 2000 and perhaps some of the smaller groups in the Chinese community trying to service their population.
Maybe you could comment on both of those topics for us here this morning.