Good morning, everyone. We will call our meeting to order, meeting number 42 of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.
Before we begin the orders of the day, let me say that last week I was so anxious to get down to business that I failed to introduce our new clerk. I'd like to introduce Travis Ladouceur. Travis is the new clerk assigned to our committee. I think he did a fantastic job last week when he had a sort of baptism by fire, and he and the rest of the analysts did a fantastic job.
Welcome. We're very glad to have you here.
The orders of the day are to examine the order of the House recommitting Bill C-304, An Act to ensure secure, adequate, accessible and affordable housing for Canadians. We have been directed to deal with just two specific clauses in that bill.
Everyone has the bill in front of them. We will begin by dealing with clause 3.
(On clause 3--National Housing Strategy to be established)
Shall clause 3 carry?
All in favour....