I did actually give you some indication way back in December that I had some trouble with the admissibility of this motion. I know we had talked about the long-form census, but when you look at making a directive in terms of what we're going to do with the long-form census and delaying it or not, I do think....
I'll read from page 1054 of O'Brien and Bosc, which says “motions moved in committee must not go beyond the committee’s mandate”. If you look on page 963, the long-form census doesn't fall at all within our mandate:
The Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities is responsible for, among other matters, proposing, promoting, monitoring and assessing initiatives aimed at the social integration and equality of disabled persons.
If you can show me somewhere in the rules where the long-form census does fall under our mandate in terms of giving directions on what to do with that procedure, my understanding is that it falls under industry. If you can prove differently...but at this point, this is my ruling. And my ruling would stand unless you challenge it.