Actually, it's not a question. Thank you, Madam Chair.
What you had to say was very impressive, and the way you said it was also very impressive—I'm speaking to all four of you. You have different stories to tell, and yet each one of you made it very clear what your difficulties were. I want to say that you've shown a lot of courage, a lot of fortitude, and a lot of self-awareness also—and a lot of strength. For me the word “strength” is a very important word.
I want to say that as you look around this table, you see all these adults who have succeeded in their careers and to some extent in their lives as well. Pretty well everyone here is a lot older than you are. You don't know what's in their hearts; you don't know what's in their minds; you don't know what all these people around the table have lived through. You don't know that.
When we see strangers, we always think they've had a good life, had an easy life, and that's why they are what they are now. Let me tell you, I know quite a few people around the table...I won't name names, but if you go around the table, there are people who have lived through war in their childhood, who have lived through difficult adoption, who have had absent parents, who have lived through violence from family members, who have lived through intense poverty, and who have lived through discrimination. That's just around this table.
The reason I'm saying this—I'm very emotional, too—is to tell you not to let go; to tell you that even though you've come through so much already, you have come through, I think, the worst of it, because now you are young adults: you are self-aware; you have the strength. You have proved to yourself that you have the strength, and it is your responsibility now to keep going with that strength and with the generation that you have created—some of you have children—behind you.
I want to congratulate you and say, don't let go. Remember, each one of the adults that you've seen and you're going to be seeing has their individual story, and it's never easy for any one of us.
I just wanted to make that comment.