I'm pleased to be here presenting to the members of the committee on the issue at hand.
As mentioned, my name is Gary Merasty and I am the vice-president of corporate social responsibility with Cameco Corporation, a uranium mine in northern Saskatchewan. We're one of the world's largest producers of uranium worldwide, accounting for about 16% of the world's total supply. The heartbeat of Cameco really is in northern Saskatchewan, nestled in among the first nations and Métis communities in northern Saskatchewan.
I'm going to go through this presentation fairly quickly and give you some of the highlights of it; then we'll get into the question period. I'll give you a few stats about the mining industry in Saskatchewan and first nations and Métis employment in Saskatchewan, and then speak about some of our own Cameco experience.
There is a need in Saskatchewan for approximately 18,000 new positions related to the mining industry. By 2028, we are expecting $43 billion worth of capital expansions to occur; that number has actually been revised recently to be closer to $50 billion. There's a huge demand in a number of occupations related to the mining industry, the vast majority of which are in the trades. Of course there will be administrative and professional services as well. As I said, that's just a quick overview on some of these points; I know that as a committee you're very well informed on these matters.
With respect to the first nations and Métis population of Saskatchewan, the proportion of aboriginal people in their twenties is expected to double. Now, this statement was made a few years ago—they said it would double from 17% to approximately 30% by 2017. When we look at some of the indicators, they certainly are on pace to achieve this—and actually exceed it—over the next number of years.
The provinces with the highest percentages of aboriginal people, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, also have the highest aboriginal unemployment rates, at about 18% and 22% respectively. These rates are about four times the unemployment rates in those provinces, so there are massive differences and big gaps in the unemployment rates. Closer to home, in northern Saskatchewan, the unemployment rate is even higher because, as you know, in order to be unemployed, you have to register. In northern Saskatchewan, according to the 2006 census, about 9,000 people are employed and 2,300 are unemployed, but 11,000 are not in the labour force—this is the labour force age population, so the unemployment is much higher.
Looking at the people up there, 86% are first nations and Métis, 53% are under the age of 25—but I think it's more likely that 50% are under the age of 18—and 50% to 60% do not have grade 12. The more remote the location is, the lower the graduation rates are. What's interesting to me, as a teacher in my past life, is the huge re-enrollment of students in grade 10 who dropped out earlier and came back to challenge the system, but then ended up dropping out again. This represents a huge opportunity for some kind of an initiative. High school math and science are lacking in the north.
The main points I'm trying to make with those first few comments are that there is a resource boom happening in Saskatchewan, and for that matter in rural and remote Canada, and there is a great need in the first nations and Métis community and there's a great opportunity for governments—provincial and federal—to facilitate positive socio-economic outcomes. To mining companies like ours, the first nations and Métis population represents a competitive advantage for a workforce that's loyal and stays there. Common interests are great among all three parties. Improving educational outcomes is absolutely key for employment in our companies. Of course, if you increase educational outcomes you improve employment rates. When you improve employment rates you support families and communities, and then you build local economies, so local business development begins to occur. Overall, it begins to increase the quality of life for those communities.
I'll tell you a little bit about Cameco now. As I mentioned, the heartbeat of Cameco is in northern Saskatchewan. The northern part of Saskatchewan is larger than the country of Germany, but we only have a population of 40,000 people who are spread over approximately 40 communities.
The Cameco experience is that we are the number one industrial employer of aboriginal peoples in Canada. As of October 2011, 763 aboriginal employees were employed with us directly, with salaries nearing $70 million. This represents 50% of our total workforce at our mine sites. Since 2004 we've seen aboriginal employment increase by 65%, and from 2004 to 2011 the salaries went from $60 million to the $70 million I mentioned a few moments ago. Approximately 25% of our trades people are northern aboriginal people.
Another important aspect of our company and our relationship with northerners is that we have built a northern preferred supplier program in northern Saskatchewan. We expect that most of the suppliers that provide services to our mine site will be aboriginal-owned companies of 50% or more, with aboriginal people in senior management. They follow our aspirational targets for employment numbers as well.
Actually, 2011 is going to be a record year. We'll have procured services from aboriginal-owned companies to the tune of $320 million this year, and that's only to the end of October. Since 2004 we've procured over $1.6 billion from these aboriginal-owned companies. They in turn employ another 850 people. So between us directly and the companies that provide services to us, that's about 1,600 employees.
How did Cameco get there? Well, we're a company that's been in northern Saskatchewan for over 20 years. We've initiated a lot of different programs that we've jointly built, basically from the ground up, with northern communities. We work with the communities. We take a glass-half-full approach. We work with them, build on the strengths within the communities, and identify their goals, dreams, and aspirations. We initiate a lot of development, such as career fair school visits—some of those standard types of initiatives—but also a Credenda virtual high school, to transmit math and science into remote communities.
We have a very successful multi-party training plan. This is a partnership of provincial governments, northern educational institutions, and industry—us, in particular—where we design courses specifically targeted for our industry. We have numerous other initiatives. The apprenticeship program is quite large within our company.
These are just some of the initiatives, and for the sake of time I don't want to go much deeper in them. The main point is that these initiatives were jointly developed with our partners in the north, and they range from initiatives in the high school, to technical college, to university. We have initiatives in each of those categories.
I do want to highlight our aboriginal skills employment partnership program, called Northern Career Quest. It is Canada's largest program, at $33 million. This is targeted at first nations and Métis employment training programs in northern Saskatchewan. I chair this organization. The original proposal called for us to assess the career goals and aspirations of 3,000 first nations and Métis people, and we were to put 1,500 of them into training and secure 750 of them jobs.
We will finish this program in March 2012, after four years of operation. We'll have assessed close to 5,000 people, so we are way over that target. We'll have trained close to 1,700, so we're way over that target. And in terms of employment, we're at 1,300, so we're almost double the employment targets we had set out there.
This is a great partnership between us and the communities. The communities came to us and said let's work together on this. I can't applaud this program any stronger because of these types of outcomes. Some of the reasons for success are that the training is linked to employment; you can see a line of sight from the training right to a job. That motivates the people to stay in the training and then secure that job.
There is a resource boom, and northern Saskatchewan may be at a bit of an advantage. There's been mining in northern Saskatchewan for over 60 years, so there's industrial experience in some of these northern communities.
In terms of wrapping it up with some of the lessons learned, we would like to see some form of the ASEP program continue. It's absolutely critical.
The big challenge we have right now, because we have filled every entry-level position with northern first nation and Métis people, is to increase the number of grade 12 graduates. We urge governments and local communities to really address the school situation. The time to do that is now. There have been numerous reports done, and basically we can always argue that the time is not now. We delay and delay, but now is the time to act, with those key issues lining up perfectly to allow opportunities for aboriginal people to proceed. The return on investment is huge. We get to retain our employees, and that gives us a huge competitive advantage.
Thank you.