First of all, I'd like to say I don't think we are offside in terms of believing that there should be fair and proportionate accountability when there is criminal wrongdoing. I think we all would know that justice requires that fair and proportionate penalties be imposed.
I think the question is whether you can add on to what the criminal courts are imposing as a fair and proportionate penalty an enhanced civil disability that's coming through other statutes.
You're asking me whether there is a fairness issue here. I would assume that the periods with which others who are now benefiting by this provision under, for example, subsection 8(2) and are getting a deferral of the eligibility periods--that the quantum of deferral available to them is the same as the quantum of deferral that's available to offenders.
Is it not that the clock just stops ticking while this period is in place and then resumes--that the same period resumes after the clock starts ticking again? Obviously they can't be looking for jobs, and they can't be contributing to their qualifying periods when they're behind bars. The idea, if I understand this exemption correctly, is that the deferral for all of those who are eligible for a deferred period is the same, that there's no preferential treatment there among those who are eligible for deferral.