Respecting provincial and territorial responsibility for its own workforce planning, the observatory could be a hub of research, where we could go to deposit our research, for example. It could also be the place where the various provinces, such as the advisory committee on health delivery and human resources, could go to and get comprehensive data. There would be full-time scientists that would actually be trying to connect the pieces.
I spend a lot of time looking at HR research in the country. We have really neat stuff going on, but nothing to pull it together, so this would become a national resource for the jurisdictions that are trying to make sense of this mess and would potentially better identify needs, better rationalize the production pipeline, including not just, in my case, of physicians, but the cross-impacts of new health professions coming upstream.
One of the next things I'll be looking at are scopes of practice. Within our own specialties...you have an orthopod working on a spine, you have a neurosurgeon working on a spine, but what is the need for spinal surgery in the country, and should my organization be changing its training requirements?