Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you to the ministers for taking time to be with us.
I'm really excited about this bill. I think it's really appropriate that we're talking about it today during small business week. It is huge for small and medium businesses that this is available now. In my former life, before I was here, I was a small business owner. We had a family owned company with about 120 employees between our two locations, one in Manitoba and one in Ontario. Not only was it a family owned company, but our company was a family. Everybody who was there was part of my family, as far as I saw it. They weren't employees. We worked side by side. They were technically employees, but we always saw ourselves as working side by side with them. We worked together to accomplish things for the greater good of all. In fact, we even got accused sometimes of being ridiculous.
Just as an example, when we set up our profit-sharing plan with our employees, the third party who ran it just couldn't believe that we said we didn't want any matching through employees. They were allowed to do it, but it wasn't going to be based on that. We wanted to truly share our profits, not based on what they did, but only on what they'd done for the company, and there was a return for that.
With that kind of attitude and atmosphere in our company, we also ran into situations where we had employees with ill children. There was nothing to support them during that time. As a company, we were fortunate enough that, because of our approach and attitude—yes, the bottom line was important, but it wasn't always about that—we were able to support employees through that. It made it tough for us at times when we had an employee who would be gone, over a 25- to 30-week period, for 75% or 80% of the time. We did our best to get through that. It's a financial burden, but it's also the burden of uncertainty for us. You know, what days were they going to be there? What days were they not going to be there?
With this sort of plan, that's going to really take a lot of—I just shared this story because I think it's a story that a lot of small and medium businesses would have. This will give us and those small businesses the ability to have some certainty, to be able to say, “I know there's a plan, there is an EI benefit available for you as parents.” We will be able to help them work through the EI process, to make sure they get all they're eligible for. We also have a certainty, then, as a business, to know what this person's absence is going to cost. We can bring in some temporary help to fill that gap. Especially when you're missing somebody, it's hard to hire somebody else. You're paying their wage, and then to hire somebody else temporarily is a real strain on a small company.
So I'm really excited about this. As I said, I think it's very appropriate that it's during small business week.
I just wanted to share that story, but it leads to this question. I've seen a lot of things as we've gone down this path as a government that have really brought a focus on family. I think this is really another step in that direction. I just want to give the ministers an opportunity to maybe walk us through some of the other things that have brought us to this stage as a government, some of the other things we've done for families over the last number of years to bring us to this stage of putting families first, and the need for families to be kept together and strengthened, both in a financial way, but also in a very emotional way, which is very important.