I don't have all the data now to respond to your question. I'll try to give you the framework, and at a later time I can provide it.
The main challenge for people with disabilities is in the transition between being off work and going back to work. Very often people with disabilities are the last to be hired and the first to be fired. We know that this group of people will constantly be in transition.
They're not able to address the transition because when they go back to work, they lose their supports, and sometimes they can't be sure that it will be long-term work, that it will actually meet their requirements and their needs. There is a fear among people with disabilities that they will lose support when they go back to work, and then will have to start the whole process of waiting again.
This is the first issue. The whole system of income support has to be addressed together with providing employment opportunities and paying salaries. It should not be diminished immediately when a person starts a job. It should be built into ongoing support. That is one thing.