Okay. That's good. That's what I wanted to know. When I have people coming into my office and this is an issue, I certainly want to be able to tell them what we are doing. I'm sure we could do more, and that's going to be part of this study, but it's good to know programming is there and there are options for individuals in this category to pursue, so I appreciate that answer.
Let's move to the second stage. A gentleman in my riding who's 70 years old certainly wanted to retire and certainly could retire, but the company he's worked for has asked him to stay and work two days a week. They want his expertise; he's a quantity surveyor. They're finding it very difficult to recruit a new person into that role due to the lack of people with that particular skills training within this company in Mississauga.
He believes he's being penalized for continuing to work, meaning when he adds up CPP, OAS, and the other entitlements he's getting, plus getting paid two days a week at a skill level job that's fairly well paid, even though he's only working two days a week, his view is there's really no incentive for him to keep working. The employer wants to keep him because they need him, and he would love to work two days a week. He doesn't want to work full time, but he's happy to go in two days a week. He wants to golf on Thursday, but he doesn't mind going to work on Monday and Tuesday.
His line to me was he believes the system has set up a disincentive for him to continue to work at 70.
Have we looked at scenarios like that? I realize that involves the Department of Finance too, and I understand it's how income taxes are assessed, I understand all that. I think there are going to be more and more Canadians who want to do this, who want to keep working a couple of days a week, for whatever reason. It could be financial, but it could just be they want to do that.
I'm concerned that the way the system is set up is we've got a disincentive for older workers to do that. Have we looked at that at all and made sure we're not creating a disincentive for older workers to continue to work, even if it is part time?