Several provinces are engaged. The ones that are most active are British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Nova Scotia. As I mentioned, Saskatchewan has launched a social impact bond already. I dare say that both B.C. and Ontario will make some announcements in the near future, not necessarily about social impact bonds, but definitely about social finance. Ontario in particular had a public call last fall, I think, so their results are supposed to be out soon.
I think the provinces will see more action at the provincial level. If you consider that a lot of services, particularly in the social sphere, are delivered at the provincial level anyway, it makes sense that the provinces would be engaged with partners at the local level to be able to explore social finance. We're starting to see that.
The federal government, I think, can play multiple roles, as national governments do, from the perspective of different markets. It might be information sharing; when information doesn't travel, that is a market impediment, so the national level government could certainly share information. Then there are other pieces related to the broader legal environment that obviously a national government could take care of, whether it's in Canada or another country.
In Canada, I think oversight would be challenging just given the jurisdictional split. There's not necessarily a logical role for the federal government to do that when the province has jurisdiction. I think it would be more in the area or in the spirit of sharing information, best practices, lessons learned. The transaction costs can be high to do some social finance initiatives, so why not reduce them by sharing information? After Saskatchewan or another province completes something, that information should be made available. That's certainly the approach that other countries have taken to be able to reduce those transaction costs, by sharing information around the market and their country.