Thank you very much for the opportunity to speak to the committee today.
The National Union of Public and General Employees is a family of 11 component unions in every province except Quebec. NUPGE represents 340,000 people in nine provinces. Our members work in the public sector, the non-profit sector, and private sectors. The work our members do includes delivering public services of every kind to citizens in their home provinces.
We recognize that social finance has a very important role to play in investing in social enterprises and providing loans for community economic development. In fact, the labour movement has been engaged in social finance in the past. We also feel that social finance can be a much more effective tool for creating jobs than are many methods traditionally used.
What concerns NUPGE is the use of social finance to fund public services. While the intentions are good, the fear is that in practice it will become another way to privatize public services.
One of the misconceptions we see is that social finance is being viewed as free money, and all too often when we hear social finance discussed for public services, it's portrayed as a new source of revenue. What is ignored is the fact that while people investing in social finance are willing to accept a lower rate of return to accomplish social objectives, they still do expect some return on their investment, and the ways to use social finance to fund public services, such as social impact bonds, will add new costs to the delivery of public services.
Social impact bonds are the highest-profile method that's been suggested for using social finance to fund public services, so it’s worth looking at how they are likely to affect costs, quality, and accountability.
The first thing is that social impact bonds are an expensive way to borrow money. For example, the first social impact bond project in Peterborough, England, to reduce recidivism is expected to provide a rate of return of between 7.5% and 13% per year. Based on a survey by the MaRS Centre for Impact Investing and Deloitte Canada, expectations of potential investors in social impact bonds here in Canada are very similar. By contrast, the federal government was paying an average of 2.37% to borrow money in 2013-14, which is roughly a third of the minimum amount Peterborough social impact investors are likely to receive.
Social impact bonds are also going to require new layers of administration. First, there are the intermediary organizations that are required to find investors and to find an organization or business to deliver the service and oversee the service. The agreements under which social impact bonds operate are a second layer of administration.
A British Ministry of Justice review of the first social impact bond project described the process for setting up as time-consuming and analytically complex. It took 18 months to develop the Peterborough social impact bond. The first social impact bond in Massachusetts took 17 months for negotiations, so there seems to be a pattern.
The final administrative layer is the evaluation required to determine how the project has performed against the agreed-upon criteria.
Because many of the details of social impact bond agreements are not released, exact figures for costs are hard to find. There aren't precise costs out there. However, the Maryland Department of Legislative Services did a study a couple of years ago that looked at the cost of social impact bonds. They assumed a project the same size as the one in Peterborough, England, being run in Maryland. They estimated that the additional administrative layers needed for social impact bonds would push up costs by 22%. In other words, for the same service, 22% would be added to the cost by using social impact bonds.
The Maryland study also found that while social impact bonds are supposed to save money by funding programs to prevent social problems from occurring, the savings are far less than the costs. The researcher compared the savings to the costs and found that even in the most optimistic scenario, with the lowest possible level of costs and the highest possible results, costs would exceed savings.
At the same time that social impact bonds are being sold as a means to reduce the demand for public funds, we're also seeing a growing push to subsidize them, which seems contradictory. Among the subsidies that have been proposed are tax credits for people investing in social finance and funding for intermediary organizations running social impact bond projects.
Subsidizing the use of social finance for public services means that, in addition to paying the direct cost of the service, the public are being asked to pay a second time to basically subsidize the investors and to subsidize the organizations running the social impact bond projects. We've even seen instances of charities being asked to subsidize social impact bond projects in the United States.
Goldman Sachs, as has been widely reported, invested in social impact bond projects in the city of New York and the state of Utah. In both cases its investments were guaranteed by charities. In other words, if Goldman Sachs did not make a profit, it would be reimbursed by charities using money raised from charitable donations, which obviously would get a tax break. Goldman Sachs in 2013 reported net earnings of $8 billion. For charities to be guaranteeing the rate of return for a business earning $8 billion a year seems a little odd.
Another concern is the loss of accountability. Contracts for services funded through social impact bonds are rarely made public. In fact, as far as I know there has not been a single contract made public. The public cannot find out the details of the services being provided or the details of the costs. This means that the public has no way of knowing whether they are receiving the services they’re paying for.
There is also concern about the fact that the public could be paying out no matter what happens with the social impact bond project. In theory, under the social impact bonds governments are only supposed to be paying for services when the project meets the agreed-upon goals and achieves some reduction in problems or costs for the government. For several reasons, this is wildly optimistic.
The first one is that even if the service does achieve the agreed-upon outcomes, it is very likely that the savings will be less than the cost. Even if social impact bonds aren't as successful, governments are still likely to end up paying. Investors are only going to put money into projects when there is a good chance of making money. I don't think that's rocket science for anybody here. If the bar for success is set high, no one is going to invest, but if the bar for success isn't set high, then governments are going to be paying for projects in which very little has been achieved.
Minimizing risk also means that investors are going to be unwilling to fund innovations in service delivery. Under the model for social impact bonds, if the agreed-upon outcomes aren't achieved, investors lose their original investment. Again, it would be hard to find anybody who is willing to put money into a project if they feel it's likely that they're going to lose their original investment.
Contract negotiations also provide an opportunity to ensure that the project will be judged a success regardless of the outcome. For example, in the Peterborough social impact bond project, participants were self-selecting, which obviously is an advantage for project to cut recidivism.
A final concern is that profitability, not need, is going to determine who will get help. The first priority for social impact bond projects has to be making a profit. If the service does not appear profitable, investors won't be willing to fund it. The danger is that new or expanded public services, if they're dependent on investors willing to put in money, will exclude some of the most vulnerable people in our society.