It's crystal ball time. Well, I generally am a very optimistic person, and one of the things I do is invite people to come to the centre because a picture really paints a thousand words. There isn't a single person who comes through and doesn't say two things. They'll say, number one, “I had no idea”, meaning that they had no idea the level of need and the kind of needs for the services we have. Also they see that it makes such a big difference in the community and for the people who come. I think people also have a real sense of wanting to be part of something that builds hope and possibility in people's lives.
We're beginning another campaign to bring in more capital dollars to really develop that lower level in the building, so that we can provide space for other non-profit organizations that can't afford space. Again, it's the example of a space where people can come maybe when they want to do something but they don't even have revenue for rent. That's one of the things we're doing as well as having other areas where we can take in more tenants, because the more tenants I have paying rent increases the amount of revenue that comes into the building and then we can provide more service.
For me, that crystal ball is a combination of increasing those revenues for sustainability and having a good business model, on the one hand, but also making sure we're giving back to the community.
One of my visions for the agency in terms of social innovation is seeing how we can become a kind of backbone for other organizations. It's a very diverse community we live in. For example, I had a group of young people who call themselves Brampton's Multicultural Youth Council. This is a group started by a grade 10 student. By the time I met her, she was in grade 12 and had established quite a governance model for this group of growing young people, and we discovered they just happened to be using our space late on a Friday afternoon, in the early evening.
It was, like, who are these people and what program are they with? I found out they weren't with anyone. They were just a self-starting group, so I said, “Let's partner. Come and use the space”. I'd much rather they be in my space than at the mall. Let's give them some support. They don't have a charitable number. They can't do fundraising. Well, maybe I can do that fundraising and support that group for being able to innovate.
I think part of what we're doing as we strengthen our own organization is to be able to then provide for startup non-profits. We know how expensive the infrastructure for a non-profit organization is. You need a finance person, you need an ED, you have to get a charitable number, so how can we provide opportunities, especially for marginalized communities—and in this case, marginalized youth—to give them those kinds of opportunities? I think we can do so much more as non-profits when we are better resourced.