Great question, thank you for the question.
When we look at impact, we look at it in three different ways. First, can you meet a standard of impact? There are a number of third-party standards that exist. One is the decorporation assessment, which is developed by a non-profit organization based in the U.S. looking at the GRI, or global reporting index. There were 600 different experts who worked on that and now it's been applied to thousands of different enterprises. There's also the Imagine Canada standard, which is a great one.
I think, secondly, beyond the standard there's also having metrics, reportable metrics, or data points that are going to be able to demonstrate the change that exists among the enterprises and organizations that you're working with. There are taxonomy or translation devices, including the impact reporting and investment standards of the global impact investing network, which can be used in this regard. There are many local examples that have been generated by Canadian enterprises and non-profit organizations.
I think the third way to look at impact is whether people have the right kind of performance improvement plan to be able to change or improve their impact over time. My father was in quality assurance for 25 years in the steel business and he taught me, or said, that the best way for you to be able to improve your impact is to talk about it, think about it, and plan to improve it. When we think about how to measure or get a sense of impact, that's how we would bucket it: meeting a standard, having verifiable metrics, and then having a plan for improvement.