Thank you very much.
I'm very sorry, but seeing as the clock says 6:30 I do have to wrap up now.
Committee, if you can just hold on and bear with me for just a minute, I would like to thank all of the members of the committee. I know there were some via teleconference and questions were not asked of you, but I encourage you to submit, if you have not already done so, any thoughts, comments or concerns in writing to this committee and we will make sure those get to the committee members.
For those of you who have travelled, again, thank you very much.
I just have a quick statement here in closing. Unfortunately, Ms. Ashton has left and I would have preferred her to be here, but earlier in today's proceedings Ms. Ashton accused this committee of not being transparent, suggesting that we've refused to televise these sessions. For the record, these sessions are streamed live and are open to the public to view live, and of course transcripts are available online. It was this committee that has moved this study up in the schedule given the urgency that has of course been demonstrated today.
Regarding the request to televise, this has not been rejected. My hope was to put it to the this committee to see if any concerns exist. In the meantime staff have enquired for availability for this to be televised. I can report that I have confirmed that all parties here are in agreement and we will continue with this request and televise where possible.
Thank you very much. The meeting is adjourned.