About the temporary foreign worker program or some of the pilot programs, I just want to say that whether you modernize them, change them or whatever, the real beauty, and the piece I wouldn't want to lose in the temporary foreign worker program, is the job offer; there's the aspect. That's a lot of what's happening in some of these pilot projects. I get that there are strengths and weaknesses to them. It's also very employer-driven. The employers are involved in terms of bringing the unions to...you know, this concept of it not being a guaranteed job but from contract to contract in industry. Then you come here and you're qualified, and you have a job.
The only other piece I want to take the opportunity to mention is the spouses. This is a family piece. I know we're focused on Toronto and the GTA, but in some of those other regions, if you look at open work permits and training and opportunities as well, that's equally important for the long-term sustainability.