Thank you very much. It has been a pleasure to hear from you again this morning.
Thank you very much for being here and allowing us to kind of pick your brains for a little bit.
If you don't mind sticking with us for a few more moments here, it's an absolute pleasure to announce that this committee has made a decision with respect to the eternal flame fund. For those folks who have ever walked by the eternal flame outside and wondered what happens to the money that gets thrown in there, it's up to this committee to determine where that money goes. It is an absolute pleasure to welcome Brian Hill, the recipient of the 2016 edition of the Centennial Flame Research Award.
Welcome, Mr. Hill.
Quite simply, this annual monetary award is given each year to a person with a disability to enable him or her to conduct research and prepare a report on the contributions of one or more Canadians with disabilities to the public life of Canada or the activities of Parliament.
Born with a genetic retinal disorder, Mr. Hill is widely considered one of Canada's best Paralympic swimmers, competing successfully in multiple Paralympic games. Mr. Hill's research will focus on the impact of sport upon the lives of persons with a disability, and how access to sport at different stages of life empowers persons with a disability. In addition, Mr. Hill will consider what obstacles exist that prevent disabled Canadians from accessing sport.
We do have a few people who would like to speak, but very briefly, because we have a very—