No problem.
I have a question for you. I don't want to stop you looking because I want the answer, but maybe I'll ask a broad question, while you're looking. I talk about the money, because often we see a lot of money coming into certain programs. With education, it gets dumped in, and we don't really measure success.
We were alarmed at some of the low success rates for some of the funding. I'm a trades teacher as well. I have two degrees, but I'm a trades teacher, because I am a former carpenter. It was amazing to me how much money would get put in a particular program and the success rate would be remarkably low. For instance, I remember one program where I think the average funding was $50,000 per 10, and there was only one success out of that particular expended amount of money.
I guess it answers the question. As somebody said here, it's not just about the money. There are more issues there, so it's not just about the money. I'm not saying that money isn't necessary. I'm getting to what Ms. Tassi referred to before, that there's more to it, and that's what we need to understand further.
What are the issues surrounding lack of success in aboriginal education? In February 2016, the C.D. Howe Institute talked about how to improve quality results on reserve. A couple of our witnesses who are going to appear Thursday are going to answer some of these questions on how they were successful and, hopefully, we can see success attached to these dollars.
There are a couple of things. I care about the kids, because I taught a lot of these kids. They have great outlooks on life, but for some reason, they get caught up in the trap and they're not able to be successful. They have high failure rates in high school, so they don't even make that next level. Ms. Tassi was saying that you need to graduate in order to become part of a post-secondary program, so if you can't even graduate.... The next question is why are you not graduating? We see other barriers there as well.
I think we need to be clever in how we look at spending some of this money so it ensures success, rather than just dumping money regardless of success.