Thank you.
I think one of the things to keep in mind on a case-by-case basis is that it might be critical to examine and allow for some flexibility, depending on where community needs are in that regard. It's just a suggestion.
My last question, if I have time, Mr. Chair, has to do with permanent supportive housing. We know that's another gap in our current model.
We all know that the goal of a Housing First concept is to provide stability to individuals in their lives at a time when they need it, and wraparound supports and whatever else that might look like. That intervention will allow them to eventually be on their own again without any sort of supports or cost, potentially.
However, we also know that not everyone graduates from these programs successfully, and some people require some semblance of permanent supportive housing. What funding streams either exist now in your program or are being planned in order to address the issue of permanent supportive housing?