Absolutely. I think there has to be prevention in any housing solution that we're dealing with. The Housing First money is spent under a very good principle: we invest in housing first because people can't think about getting their lives forward without having safe housing, a shelter, a roof over their heads. However, a number of the people we're trying to house through the Housing First model in metro Vancouver need other things. The other things are not being provided. We need some means of bringing together resources to provide solutions such as outreach.
Vicki Kipps mentioned the number of forms. We see this across the board with people who are in poverty—the number of forms they have to sign to get access to services. We need resources that can work with people, sit with them, and transition them into the different services that they need through the continuum.
In this province, if we put people in housing under Housing First and those people need health care, there is an expectation that they will be able to make it to appointments. Things like that are simple for all of us, for you and me, but some of these people who are really struggling need help. They need assistance, and it's ongoing, and it's beyond Housing First.
The other thing is that Housing First doesn't fit well for youth, who are within the provincial system of care, yet we see them on our streets. Just a couple of weeks ago, we were notified about a youth who was sleeping in McDonald's. We were trying to mobilize food cards because McDonald's was willing to have the child sleep overnight in their restaurant as long as he was buying food.
This is not something that fits well within the 65% allocation for Housing First. We need to have a bit of flexibility around that 65% so that we can allocate it, as a region, into the areas that we feel.... We'll try to invest the 65% in Housing First because we are working under Housing First principles—there is no question about that—but we do need a little more flexibility in terms of the proposals we accept.