My petition worked.
Welcome to everybody. For those of you who have not sat on this committee, this is a very productive committee, and it's always worked well. We may not have always agreed, but everything has always been very respectful and productive. I know we all want to continue with that.
I want to also officially pseudo-welcome the parliamentary secretaries, who are obviously still non-voting on this committee, but also now—as per the Standing Order changes—are able to speak and have the same rights as any other member. Of course, we have with us today member of Parliament Vaughan, as well as Rodger Cuzner and Stéphane Lauzon rounding out the parliamentary secretary team. I know they're eager to contribute to a lot of the different topics that we're going to be talking about here in HUMA.
There are a lot of changes. I want to note that the Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities has also changed, and is now the Hon. Kent Hehr since August of this year.
We wish Minister Qualtrough all the best in her new challenges, of which there are many.
I would imagine we will be asking the minister to greet and report to this committee at some point soon. I've extended that opportunity to him, and we'll wait for a response.
I also want to take this opportunity, both as the chair but personally as well, to say that as a rookie in this room two years ago, I'm not exactly sure what I would have done without Julie Geoffrion, who is joining us today, unfortunately, for the last time. That petition, unfortunately, did not get heard. Julie is moving on to greener pastures and is going to be working on the justice committee.
I know I can say from all of us, Julie, that the work you've put into this committee has not gone unnoticed, so thank you very much.
You know, out with the old and in with the new.
Welcome to Stephanie, our new clerk for the HUMA committee. Stephanie and I have met already and I know she will very quickly get used to my brand of humour and roll her eyes many times at me, I'm sure.
Welcome aboard.