You are raising a very important point by mentioning the financing of the system and by asking who the leader must be in this area.
In a country such as ours, we really expect the federal government to be the leader, the one who shows the way and sets the guidelines that the provinces will apply.
However, the investment you were talking about is very important. You need sufficient investment. Furthermore, if we are transforming the health care system, as I was suggesting earlier, there will certainly be a cost and hard work attached to that. It has been well documented that 20% of the beds occupied by people waiting to be placed cost nearly $1,000 a day in Ontario. The amount is similar in each province at $842 per day. But a place in a long-term care facility, the place for a patient who requires ongoing care, is $126 a day, and home care costs $45 a day. That's between $45 and $842 a day to keep these people at home in reasonable comfort, so there is room for manoeuvre.
Yes, an investment is needed, but the outdated health care system that has been around for 50 years must also be changed and must be adapted to a society that has evolved.
Change is always difficult. People say that it is important not to change only when there is a crisis, but this crisis is very close to us, and if we don't take care of it within 20 years, some of our loved ones will find themselves very disadvantaged in society.