There were a couple of questions in there. I'll try to unpack that.
In terms of the skills mismatch, we don't just have it for young people, of course; we have it for all Canadians, and that is one of the biggest challenges we are trying to tackle. In that respect, we are looking at better labour market information—not looking at degrees as much as competencies and skills that are required for the jobs of the future—and providing the right information to young people, and all Canadians, so they can make the right choices in terms of the training they need for the jobs that are available.
In terms of the matching function for young Canadians, or any Canadian who might have multiple barriers to employment, for persons with disabilities, yes, we have the panel, and there is a champions' table. We know that when it comes to employers, it is not a charity question and it is not about convincing employers to hire somebody simply because it's a good thing to do. There is always the corporate social responsibility, but it's really the return on investment that matters. For example, a young person with a disability brings a lot of benefits to an organization or a business in terms of diversity and loyalty.
Employer champions' tables have been effective at that and passing that message on. We probably need to do a lot more of that and encourage employers who are really active in this space. We have a very good example in the United States. There are several examples, but Starbucks in the United States, of course, is a big champion in that respect, with the 100,000 youth employment initiative.
Again, it's championing the message that there is a good return on investment for the organization, but there is also something in it for the economy at large. It provides a good, stable job and career laddering. Combining multiple employers in their efforts to hire youth, starting with those who might have more barriers in terms of entry-level jobs, means youth can then ladder up in their career to other organizations.
We definitely have some good examples out there that we are looking at as we move forward with the renewal of the youth employment strategy.