There are no benchmarks, no set time limits within which a complaint has to be fully investigated and resolved, for reasons similar to what was just mentioned.
What I can say is that there's a commitment from the banks to the complainant to have a timely, thorough, confidential investigation. When you think about the range of things that could be alleged or brought forward, from inappropriate conduct to sexual violence, to have a timeline of six months, 12 months, or whatever doesn't make sense. The commitment really is that these are some of the most sensitive things we could be dealing with in the workplace, and we don't want to manage to deadline, because that's not going to guarantee the most optimal outcome and the most optimal resolution.
The added factor to timelines is that there are certain complexities that are fully outside the control of the employer, such as if one of the parties is on a leave of absence and cannot be interviewed, or if there are IT issues like an email pull that takes x number of weeks or days, or if there are other experts involved, medical or legal.