Thank you very much.
Good afternoon, everyone.
Thank you, honourable members of the committee for welcoming me today.
I'm going to give my presentation in French because that's my first language. Well, my first language is Arabic, but the second language I know best is French. I may switch from French to English from time to time. I apologize in advance to the interpreters in case I happen to stray from the notes I submitted in anticipation of this presentation.
Thanks again to the honourable committee members who made it possible for me to be here today to present the outcome of my work under the Centennial Flame Research Award I received in 2014. I was honoured to receive this award and this recognition from the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities on the basis of my personal work, and the work I wanted to accomplish on behalf of Ms. Maria Barile. The award enabled me to describe the rich intellectual and professional life of Maria Barile, a disabled immigrant whose profile resembles mine to some extent. I too am a disabled immigrant woman who has been in Canada since 1996.
I would like to briefly discuss the report that was sent to you about the research I completed. At the very outset, I really wanted to describe the unconventional career of Ms. Barile, who left us in July 2013. Her departure was premature because we didn't have enough time to get to know her, the scope of her work and her contribution to Canadian, and especially Quebec, society, not to mention what she gave to the disabled women I represent.
I met Maria Barile in 2008, when I began working at Action des femmes handicapées de Montréal, an organization that she co-founded after having created the DisAbled Women's Network Canada. She was really involved in every movement since the 1970s, and I would even go so far as to say since her arrival in Canada in 1964. This Italian girl, with her mother and her two brothers, joined her father who was already in Canada. She was the eldest child, and although only 11 years old when she came to Quebec, very quickly realized how much personal effort would be required of her not to mention the exertion needed to integrate into her host society, because she was already hearing impaired when she arrived. Another disability was discovered later.
Maria Barile displayed a great deal of perseverance throughout her life from the age of 11. She worked very hard on her studies, and was self-taught. You may be aware that persons with disabilities could not be educated after the age of 18, and they mainly attended special education schools in the 1980s. Fortunately, this is no longer the case today. People who want to can go a long way with their education.
When she was 18, Maria Barile was told that she could no longer pursue her education, given the system at the time. She didn't even have a high school diploma. She only had access to French and English language learning, and in her Italian mother tongue.
She worked very hard to complete her high school education, and her CEGEP studies, which she did by correspondence. This shows just how determined and persevering she was. My meeting with her really demonstrated that there are opportunities in Quebec, Canada and even elsewhere for a person with disabilities, and even a disabled woman. She had no limits. She told herself that if people really wanted to succeed, there were opportunities and you had to seize them.
It's also important to know that she worked very hard to overcome barriers and shatter glass ceilings. Allow me to repeat that glass ceilings are encountered in more than one specific setting. As disabled women, we encounter glass ceilings everywhere along the way when we want to fulfil ourselves as individuals.
I was able to think about all these things thanks to this research, which also showed me not only Maria Barile's intellectual and professional side, but also her involvement as a person, as a leader, as a role model for disabled immigrant women or any disabled women, and in particular, as a role model for girls and young women in years to come.
For me, she was a woman who cleared a path for all persons with disabilities. In the disability movement of the 1970s and 1980s, she was one of the first to condemn discrimination and violence against persons with disabilities, and in particular violence against women and girls. Right up to her premature passing, she spoke out about spousal violence and was emphatic that we should no longer remain in denial about persons with disabilities, particularly for women caught up in spousal and family violence.
At the time, her work was to remind us that all women are subjected to violence. It's not just any particular woman, but all women. It's essential to work and take action collectively. It's a social problem, and therefore requires collective solutions. It's up to us as a society to provide these women with resources and support.
The report you've received demonstrates the extent of her involvement in society and everything she was able to accomplish. This woman, whom I met in 2008, did so much. I believe she was an agent of change; I too joined the feminist movement with an intersectional approach. Thanks to Maria Barile, I fulfilled myself as an individual, as a mother, and as a citizen in my host society, in Quebec and Canada. Thanks to Maria Barile's work, I could see that there were no longer any limits. You probably know that for an immigrant coming here, integrating into the host society involves challenges. When someone has an incapacity or disability, the challenges get more difficult.
People like Maria Barile, who have already cleared a path to some degree, have thus given us this opportunity to find our place and to tell ourselves: "I'm not placing any limits on myself. Just because I have a disability doesn't mean I have to be set apart. I have something to contribute to this host society as a citizen. I can make changes and I can help other people and other women with disabilities."
I sought out information, most of which came from family members, colleagues and people who knew her. Maria Barile worked. She went to university and was among the first to do postgraduate work. She was a professional, a social worker, who unfortunately was never able to work in her field because at the time, there were barriers, and disability-based discrimination.
She used to joke that she did hours and hours of social work, but in her kitchen. All kinds of women would call up Maria and go to her place for support. The watchwords of Action des femmes handicapées de Montréal, an organization that she founded, were openness and inclusion. Women of all kinds from the diversity showed up there, whatever their disability, ethnocultural origin, or sexual orientation might be. They all had access to a safe space. Maria Barile was among the first to establish safe spaces where women could define and fulfil themselves.
I wanted to share all this work with others. I wanted people to know that the history of persons with disabilities was written by many people, but particularly by some of the women who were part of the movement. People tend to forget the contribution made by this social work, and social action, by those women. I also had first-hand accounts through the generosity of family members who opened their doors and shared her work with me.
Maria published numerous scholarly articles. She did considerable research into the needs of persons with disabilities and their adaptation to them. She was among the first to advocate universal accessibility. Today, we're happy about the fact that an accessibility act is in force across Canada. We are already seeing some results.
It's thanks to pioneers like Maria Barile that, in Montreal for example, public transportation and the subway are becoming increasingly adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities.