We've seen that many more seniors in English Canada stay at home, whereas more Quebec seniors live in CHSLDs or RPAs, the private seniors' residences.
We've been privatizing home care services for some years now by transferring them to private seniors' residences. There have also been cuts to home care services. So let's invest in care because people want to stay in their homes.
Of course, some people in their 60s really like RPAs. Once their children grow up, leave home, marry or settle in another region to pursue their education, for example, parents find themselves alone in a large house. So they decide to sell and move to paradise, to an RPA.
At the start of the pandemic, however, you would have thought RPAs were prisons that residents couldn't escape. Once they started going out for a little air, many residents decided to move and go back to living in private accommodation because they felt they were losing their independence in an RPA during an event like that.
So a change is under way. I can't give you the exact figures, but this is an emerging trend in Quebec. When a promoter building a new seniors' residence has to start advertising and going door to door, that means the option of renting in an RPA is becoming less appealing.