Thanks, Mr. Chairman.
Thanks to all of our witnesses for appearing this morning.
Mr. Warren, I'll start with you.
I had the opportunity to raise USW at our last meeting—the infamous Stelco strike of 1946 and USW's fight for a 40-hour work week, as well as paid vacation. That's what I've read, because I certainly wasn't around in those days in 1946. The strike sounds a lot like what Mr. Ashton described with the longshoremen's fight many decades ago.
I've thought about Madame Senneville's opening comments, where she talked about the bill's being an essential bill. If I had to go back 60 or 70 years and say to those striking Stelco workers—who were fighting against the 2,000 scab members brought in—that it would take 70 years to get us to where we are today, I think they'd be very shocked.
Can you talk about the importance of how the implementation of this bill moves the labour movement forward and helps other unions—all those who've fought for decades and probably longer at other levels of government—try to implement the same?