Thank you, Mr. Chair.
We did indeed hear from union organizations and witnesses on their serious concerns about the 18-month time period before the act comes into force. It's too long. We would like people to be able to benefit from this anti-strikebreakers act as soon as possible. Personally, I would have liked an act like this to have come into force 25 years ago.
The Canada Industrial Relations Board director told us that to do things properly, time would be required for hiring and training. I believe that our amendment NDP‑10 proposes an improvement. People told us that an 18-month wait before coming into force was too long and that it should be shortened. We are also, however, aware of realities. We want the bill to meet expectations and to be enforced. It has to be done well. It has to be implemented pragmatically and realistically.
I feel that reducing the length of time before the bill comes into force by six months is a major improvement.
We are therefore proposing a 12-month period.