Thank you for your question.
As I briefly mentioned in my remarks, for us at FRAPRU, the housing crisis is due to housing affordability as well as unavailability. It's also driven by real estate speculation. The crisis won't be resolved if we focus solely on increasing supply without considering the types of housing in which we invest public funding.
That's precisely what our main criticism of Canada's national housing strategy has been since it was announced. Despite its objectives, which are to reduce the number of households with urgent housing needs, funding has mainly been allocated to increasing supply but with very minor and insufficient affordability criteria. As a result, many billions of dollars have been invested in housing construction, but there's been very little in the way of results in increasing the number of social and community housing units that have actually been built. That's the problem. We see that the supply of social and community housing is stagnating, and even declining in Quebec for the first time, and the fact that federal funding isn't being allocated to increase the number of social housing units has contributed to that.
I must say, Ms. Chabot, that there has recently been a glimmer of hope, although our sense is that this is a race against the clock. We're witnessing a certain will to action. Since 2017, we'd been demanding that investments, the billions of dollars allocated under Canada's national housing strategy, be reallocated and invested on a priority basis in various forms of non-profit social housing. We've very recently begun to feel that we're been heard, but the programs haven't yet been redrafted. Consequently, before even more billions of dollars are spent, we urgently need to make sure that funding is earmarked for the non-profit housing sector. We can suggest ways to get there. The list is long, but I'm going to name a few.
The most general one, which would be foundational, would be for the federal government to set a clear goal to build various forms of social housing, meaning non-private-market units, which we still don't have. Yes, there's a goal in Canada's housing plan to build units, but we don't know how many will be non-profit, whereas they're the only ones that are consistent with the ability to pay of a majority of renter households. This isn't a trivial problem.
More specifically, there are programs, including the affordable housing fund, that have just been created and should focus entirely on the non-profit sector. The contributions option should be enhanced because many social housing projects can't build genuinely affordable housing without contributions. Loans are not enough, although they could play a role. The loans program is also more generous; it's the one with the biggest budget to date, but it's mainly designed for private builders.
So this is a debate that must be held. What purpose is served by these billions of dollars that, as a previous speaker mentioned, aren't unlimited? Does the government want to favour the private sector or strengthen the non-profit sector? CMHC has significant resources. We think that, if the government sends a very clear message that it wants to grant low-cost loans to the non-profit sector, that could have an impact, particularly in Quebec. We know that high interest rates are making matters difficult these days because they complicate financing arrangements.
The problem, more generally, is that there are no more self-sufficient programs like the ones we used to have before the federal government withdrew. You have to knock on three, four, five or six doors to complete financial arrangements for social housing projects. That's not right when you want to meet the needs of vulnerable people, especially those who are homeless. On that subject, we welcomed the creation of the rapid housing initiative, the RHI, which provided 100% funding for building costs. Unfortunately, it was the only non-recurring component in the national housing strategy. It has just been announced that it will become a component of the affordable housing fund.
Once again, there has to be a quick call for projects, and funding has to be disbursed so these projects can now be built without taking any more years.