I really appreciate the question.
Essentially, right now the law splinters implementation and enforcement among the three. They each have to make their own enforcement regulations and forms and stuff. They each set up their own procedures. They each have separate procedures for how they process complaints in their other work, and they're very different, so we essentially have to navigate three worlds.
Not only that: The same obligated organization can have some of its obligations under the Accessible Canada Act enforced by the accessibility commissioners and others by the CRTC or the Canadian Transportation Agency. It is impossible to figure this out.
In fact, the minister responsible for the bill, in speaking to the Senate, gave an illustration of this, which I recall related to airplanes. She actually got it wrong. I don't say that to be critical of her; it's to be sympathetic to her because it's so bloody hard to figure out.
Instead, how about we have one agency with a mandate to do all of this work, so it's one-stop shopping for obligated organizations and for individuals? It's one set of regulations instead of three. It will cost us less.
It also has an added advantage, which is that the CRTC and the Canadian Transportation Agency have very sorry records of implementing accessibility. They've had a mandate not for five years, but for decades, and they have done it really poorly.