Good afternoon.
I will be pleased to answer the question.
The government is committed to modernizing the employment insurance scheme. That commitment was clearly stated in our minister's mandate letter. In fact, we are currently working to develop measures that will enable us to move forward with this modernization. A number of steps have already been completed.
We have to build on the lessons learned during the pandemic and the temporary measures that were put in place in the employment insurance scheme. Their purpose was to help workers affected by the pandemic access employment insurance measures more easily and with greater flexibility.
We also have to build on the lessons learned regarding the special measures in connection with the economic recovery. We want to help people who would normally not have been able to access the employment insurance program. These would include self-employed workers, for example.
Given the very significant needs of certain groups in the population, we have launched a program of consultations. The program began in August and focuses on several topics, including access to employment insurance and benefits for parents and families, and also the issue of self-employed workers, freelance workers and seasonal workers.
These issues were the subject of discussions during the first phase of consultations in August. The consultations involved round tables, surveys, and written submissions. They will be continuing over the coming months.
We have already received a lot of comments, which will help us update the proposals. However, we need more, because there are a number of topics to address. This is a very broad field.
The topics that will be examined include the adequacy of benefits and the financial model for the program. We also have to continue exploring measures to ensure that the scheme better meets the needs of self-employed and freelance workers. We have to understand and define those needs more clearly.
The work is underway and we are planning to continue the consultations this spring, as was announced at the end of the first phase.
All of this will enable us to make proposals in connection with the reform.
One very concrete element of the reform will be implemented: extending sickness benefits, a measure that was announced in budget 2021 and is scheduled for the end of the summer of 2022.
Those are just a few examples.