It's always good to see you, Tony, and thanks for always bringing to us the important issues that I know Canadians and, particularly, persons with disabilities really deeply care about.
I can tell you that the disability tax credit.... I know that there's a lot of discussion around this within the disability community. I heard from the community around the use of the disability tax credit. I want to let the community know that we really try to see how we can, first and foremost, improve the disability tax credit to ensure that we remove all the barriers for persons with disabilities. One of the things that my colleague who is responsible for the DTC.... It's run through the CRA, which is the responsibility of my colleague Minister Bibeau. We actually have an advisory council, a stakeholder group including persons with disabilities in it, to ensure that they remove those barriers within and make it more simple to actually have access to it.
One of the other things that we wanted to make sure is that there's universality and consistency throughout the provinces and territories—all across Canada—to ensure that it doesn't matter where the persons with disabilities are actually living, but that they can get the same amount and same access to the Canada disability benefit that they would receive in any other province.
The other thing that we have done.... One of the biggest barriers is around removing the cost of accessing these forms. In the budget, we received additional dollars to ensure that we remove the cost that persons with disabilities may have to give to a medical professional to fill out that form.
At the same time, we have, in the budget, received funding for a navigator program to ensure that some of those really hard-to-reach community members, persons with disabilities, can get access and work with community members to get the disability tax credit. We know that for people with disabilities who can access the disability tax credit, it gives them an avenue to other benefits, not just the federal benefits but other provincial benefits, as well, in some provinces and territories.
It's really important that we do this work. We're really ensuring that we make it as barrier-free as possible to ensure that persons with disabilities can get this support.
I'll turn to Tina.
Is there anything I missed, Tina, that you want to add on the disability tax credit?