It could certainly be useful, but it's not a cure-all.
You may not know this, but we had to create the Fonds d'acquisition de Montréal—an acquisition, or investment, fund—in conjunction with Ms. Cyr's organization, Bâtir son quartier.
We had to create the Fonds d'acquisition québécois so that we had the funding to take advantage of market opportunities and purchase properties while we were waiting for program funding to come in.
Through the program, the government could make land available to us, and the wonderful thing is that municipalities in Quebec have the right of first refusal. In other words, they can come forward if they see a strategic use for a particular piece of land that can meet certain needs. They can buy the land if it's put up for sale. Municipalities would be acting in a coordinated way, based on community needs and development.
Community housing construction is an important economic lever.