To speak to the importance of some of the industries within federal jurisdiction, I remember quite clearly that it would have been roughly about this time last year when we were dealing with CP Rail. Suddenly I'm getting frequent daily texts from the U.S. ambassador to Canada and then the Secretary of Labor, who informed me that he was texting from the White House and that this was a concern. Canadian Pacific, CP Rail and CN Rail are big movers and shakers in the United States and Canada, and making sure we have stability there is incredibly important.
I can tell you about one of the biggest takeaways from my year and a half now as labour minister. In the ministries that I have held in government, I have dealt with some extraordinary public servants. The people in the federal mediation and conciliation service are exceptional. They know how to sit down and find agreement when you think no agreement can be reached. I'm not going to say that we didn't have a number of nail-biter situations, but they managed to get all parties to sit down and understand the implications of a work stoppage to the Canadian economy.
I would venture to say that these officials have managed to save our economy billions of dollars—billions—in the past year alone. There were so many, whether it be with CP, CN, Via, Loomis, Purolator, WestJet—any one of those. Cumulatively, what that would have done to the Canadian economy at a very vulnerable point in time over the past year coming out of COVID-19, I don't want to think about. I've thought about it too much. Thankfully, for a number of these issues, we've turned a corner. These officials are to be commended by all of us, if you ask me.