It would be a good start.
Right now, we have a baseline in Ontario of $18 an hour, which is far too low, and frankly, somewhat insulting for ECEs. You can get a job and work as a barista, for example, and make more money than that. It's not congruent with the value that ECEs are bringing to our society. With regard to $25 an hour...I don't know what the specific number should be, but I do know that it should be much higher than it is.
Even at the YGTA, where we are able to compensate on average around $24 an hour, with extensive benefits and pension for those who are full time, we are still losing people very regularly. If you are taking a similar role at a school board, for example, in Toronto, you would be starting at about $28 an hour. Municipalities are able to pay even higher.
In Ontario, we're also subject to wage-constraint legislation right now, which is causing us another problem. We are looking for potential solutions. I know that others in the sector have called for $25 an hour. I think it would be a much better baseline to be working from than where we currently are.