We should look at the shortcomings and at how those shortcomings may be addressed in this bill by way of amendment. I think it would only be reasonable. There was some issue that was presented here before this committee, saying that we need transitional provisions because five years have passed. Is it unreasonable to take that into account and ask how we might address that in the bill, or how we might address it in terms of this piece of legislation?
You're asking about going forward, about implementation, about the cost it may take to implement this. Depending on whether you're going to create a backlog or not create a backlog, that will have some significance, so you have to have some kind of staging, some kind of plan that will take this into account on a go-forward basis. We haven't done that, and it doesn't appear the committee is interested in doing that. That's irresponsible, and it's not being properly diligent. I don't think it takes the whole system into account, as it should, for the benefit of either government or anyone else.
When we look at the bill as it now reads, it—