Thank you to the witnesses for being here today. I'm sure there's nowhere you'd rather be on a Wednesday afternoon.
Like Mr. Siksay, I must also leave a bit early. This is not a regular meeting time for this committee, so I apologize for leaving early.
We heard lots of witnesses who came forward during this process who gave some pretty compelling testimony. As a relatively new member of the committee, and as a lay person in this field, it seemed like what I would call a no-brainer, quite frankly. The evidence seemed overwhelming that they ought to be, that they were, Canadian citizens and that somehow, there was a glitch in the system. The department didn't look very good that day.
I appreciate the fact that you have to work with the legislation and the regulations you have, but we were certainly left with the impression that the department wasn't as sensitive as it could or should have been in different cases.
I have a couple of questions. This was one of the things that was brought forward. Someone goes in to get documentation for something, and they think they've been a Canadian for 50 years, and all of a sudden, some, possibly junior, person in an office somewhere tells them that, by the way, they're not even a Canadian citizen. I remember thinking that it would be like the receptionist in a doctor's office telling you that, by the way, it says here that you have cancer and you're going to die next week. That would never happen in a medical office, because there's an understanding that that kind of information is very traumatic, particularly if you're not even sure whether it's right.
So has the department taken any steps to make sure that your staff—your front-line staff and your staff in the main offices—appreciates this and appreciates that when they're talking to someone in this situation, they shouldn't just be blurting that information out? Quite frankly, I would almost think that the department should have a process on how that information should be conveyed to a person, and not in that haphazard way. Can anyone tell me what steps have been made in that area?