French or English, I'm going to speak in both languages.
The complaint filed by the Quebec government touches the health ministry and medicare cards--there was someone inside the department playing with the medicare cards--CIC on both sides, and automobile licences and insurance. Most of his clients live abroad and have never been in Canada. Among them is the son of the President of Lebanon and many diplomatic people. This was in the news, sir. I'm not creating this story.
There are many, many other members doing the same, without any control from the society. We've advised many people to write and complain to the society. Their complaints are thrown in the garbage; there is no reaction.
Besides the lack of response, I would like to point out one major issue, which is the selection of immigrants here in Canada, which has been going on for a few years. It is very bad. We have people, very well-educated people, coming here and creating jobs and investing money and everything. Their applications inland are thrown out. They came as refugees. On the other hand, many others are on welfare and in street gangs, and their files have been passed through one, two, three, and they've been accepted. This is amazing. It has touched me and touched my family, as Canadians. This is something we have to look into very sharply and very seriously. We are asking the minister to put more controls on the agents and decision-makers inland and abroad.
Especially in the Canadian embassy in Syria, in Damascus, there is a lot of mumbo-jumbo going on. We are aware of it and have the proof, to prove it at any time.