May I add something to that, just very briefly?
I'm almost embarrassed to even say this. One of our members inquired as to the difference between the 20 points and the 10 points, 20 for the CSIC conference or seminar and 10 for the CBA. The response came back saying that the CSIC seminar consists of two days, and that's why. It's 10 for one and 10 for the other. It's embarrassing, quite frankly, and insulting for me as a member to receive such an answer, and that's the official answer we received.
Just to add one more thing, again, there is a lot of emotional charge in all of this when you talk about the $800 video. I personally sent a note to CSIC asking whether we can share that video among four colleagues who work in the exact same office in our building. We are different companies, but we share the same resources, we go to the same conferences, and we educate ourselves on many issues. And I haven't even received a reply to that question.